Lecture 1 Introduction tO Electricity and Magnetism,Vector Analysis(I):Gradient
Lecture 2 Vector Analysis(Ⅱ):Divergence
Lecture 3 Vector Analysis(Ⅲ):Curl
Lecture 4 Electrostatic Field(I)
Lecture 5 Electrostatic Field(Ⅱ)
Lecture 6 Poisson's Equation and Laplace's Equation
Lecture 7 Solving Laplace's Equation
Lecture 8 Example of Boundary Value Problem:Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Field
Lecture 9 Electrostatic Images
Lecture 10 Solving Poisson's Equation
Lecture 11 Electric Field in Dielectric Media
Lecture 12 Gauss's Law in Dielectric Media
Lecture 13 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations,Boundary Conditions in Dielectric Media
Lecture 14 Solving Electrostatic Problems in Dielectric Media
Lecture 15 Microscopic Theory of Dielectrics
Lecture 16 Energy of Electrostatic Field
Lecture 17 Electric Current(I)
Lecture 18 Electric Current(Ⅱ)
Lecture 19 Magnetic Field of Steady Current-
Lecture 20 Vector Potential of Magnetic Field
Lecture 21 Magnetic Field in Matter
Lecture 22 Field Equation and Boundary Conditions
Lecture 23 Magnetic Properties of Matter(T)
Lecture 24 Magnetic Properties of Matter(U)
Lecture 25 Electromagnetic Induction
Lecture 26 Magnetic Energy
Lecture 27 Slowly Varying Currents(I):Transient Behavior
Lecture 28 Slowly Varying Currents(Ⅱ):Steady—state Behavior
Lecture 29 Resonance in R-L—C Circuit
Lecture 30 Physics of Plasma
Lecture 31 Electromagnetic Properties of Superconductor
Lecture 32 Maxwell's Equations,Electromagnetic Energy
Lecture 33 Electromagnetic Waves,Boundary Conditions
Lecture 34 The Wave Equation with Sources
Lecture 35 Propagation of Plane Wave in Non-conducting Media
Lecture 36 Propagation of Plane Wave in Conducting Media
Lecture 37 Reflection and Refraction of Monochromatic Wave(I)
Lecture 38 Reflection and Refraction of Monochromatic Wave(Ⅱ)
Lecture 39 Interference,Waveguide and Cavity Resonator
Lecture 40 Linear Response,Harmonic Oscillator Model
Lecture 41 Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation
Lecture 42 Electrodynamics,the Field of Moving Charges
Lecture 43 Basic Postulates and Concepts of Relativistic Theorv
Lecture 44 Covariant Form of Electromagnetic Equations
Lecture 45 Relativistic Mechanics
Lecture 46 Lagrangian Formalism of Electromagnetic Field