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书名 赞成与否定--从观点辨析着手练写作/四川大学出国人员培训部出国培训教材系列
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 张昂
出版社 四川大学出版社



第一部分 写作范文

 Unit One Advertising/广告

 Unit Two Casinos/赌场

 Unit Three Cell Phones/手机

 Unit Four City life or Countryside Life/城市与乡村生活

 Unit Five Cloning/克隆

 Unit Six Coeducation/男女同校教育

 Unit Seven Competition and Cooperation/竞争与合作

 Unit Eight Computers/电脑

 Unit Nine Corporal Punishment/体罚

 Unit Ten Cultural Differences/文化差异

 Unit Eleven Distant Learning and Classroom Learning/远程学习与课堂学习

 Unit Twelve Examinations/考试

 Unit Thirteen Filter Software/过滤软件

 Unit Fourteen Foreign Coaehes/外籍教练

 Unit Fifteen Genders at University/男女大学生比例

 Unit Sixteen International Media/国际媒体

 Unit Seventeen Internet Bars/网吧

 Unit Eighteen Internet Gap/网络鸿沟

 Unit Nineteen Knowledge/知识

 Unit Twenty Liberal Arts and Sciences/文科与理科

 Unit Twenty—one Loan/贷款

 Unit Twenty—two Lotteries/彩票

 Unit Twentythree Nuclear Power/核能

 Unit Twenty—four The Olympic Games/奥林匹克运动会

 Unit Twenty—five Overseas Education/海外教育

 Unit Twenty—six Part—time Jobs/兼职

 Unit Twenty—seven Prison Reform/监狱改革

 Unit Twenty—eight Qualifications/个人学历

 Unit Twenty—nine Resources/资源

 Unit Thirty Restriction on Creation/创新的限制

 Unit Thirty—one Smoking/吸烟

 Unit Thirty—two Space Hight/太空飞行

 Unit Thirty—three Tourism/旅游

 Unit Thirty—four University Education/大学教育

 Unit Thirtyfive University Reform/大学改革

 Unit Thirty—six Description/描述

第二部分 写作技巧与写作词汇学习

 1 Writing Tips/写作技巧

 1.1 How t0 Write Effective Topic Sentences/如何写主题句

 1.2 How to Develop and Arrange Details/如何安排细节

 1.3 Cause and Effect/理由与后果

 1.4 Analyzing Timed Writing Questions/分析记时写作的问题

 1.5 How t0 Use Examples to Explain a General Idea/如何举例

 1.6 How to Use Logical Markers in Our Writing/如何使用逻辑连词

 1.7 How t0 Use Invented Constructions/如何使用倒装句 

 1.8 How to Use the Subjunctive Mood/如何使用虚拟语气

 1.9 H0w to Use“That—claUses”(Noun clauses)/如何使用名词从句

 1.10 How to Use Attributive Clauses/如何使用定语从句

 1.11 How to use—ing openers anded openers/如何使用分词短语

 2 Writing Vocabulary Studies/写作词汇学习

 2.1 Writing Vocabulary Study One/写作词汇学习(一)

 2.2 Writing Vocabulary Study Two/写作词汇学习(二)

 2.3 Writing Vocabulary Study Three/写作词汇学习(三)

 2.4 Writing Vocabulary Study Four/写作词汇学习(四)

 2.5 Writing Vocabulary Study Five/写作词汇学习(五)

Reference Books/参考书目





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