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书名 国际经济法(英文版高等院校法律专业双语课程规划教材)
分类 人文社科-法律-外国及港澳台法律
作者 盛建明
出版社 对外经济贸易大学出版社




 Chapter 1 An Overview of International Economic Law (IEL) 3

Section 1 An Conceptual Analysis of IEL 3

Section 2 The Scope and Coverage of IEL 4

Section 3 Features of IEL 6

【Readings and Exercises】 13

 Chapter 2 Economic Globalization and New Development of IEL 15

Section 1 Conceptual Definition of Economic Globalization 15

Section 2 Features of World Economy under the Context of

Economic Globalization 17

Section 3 New Development Trends of IEL 22

【Readings and Exercises】 23

 Chapter 3 Legal Sources of IEL 31

【Readings and Exercises】 39

 Chapter 4 Basic Principles of IEL 43

【Readings and Exercises】 57


 Chapter 5 An Overview of Legal System Regarding Trade Regulation 61

Section 1 A Review on Theories of International Trade Regulation and Corresponding Trade Policies 61

Section 2 The Evolution of Trade Regulatory Measures at National Level and Categories of Trade Regulatory Measures 74

【Readings and Exercises】 79

 Chapter 6 An Overview of the WTO Legal System 85

Section 1 The Evolution of the GATT Legal System 85

Section 2 An Overview of the WTO Legal System 94

Section 3 Contributions Made by WTO to the Multilateral Legal System 98

Section 4 Basic Principles of the WTO 105

Section 5 Applicability of WTO Rules 114

Section 6 Prospects of the Doha Round 117

【Readings and Exercises】 123

 Chapter 7 Anti-Dumping Law 127

Section 1 An Overview of Anti-Dumping Law 127

Section 2 Substantive Rules of Antidumping Law 128

Section 3 The Procedural Rules of Antidumping Actions 148

Section 4 Anti-Circumvention Actions 163

【Readings and Exercises】 170

 Chapter 8 Legal System on Subsidies & Countervailing Measures 175

Section 1 An Overview of the Legal System on Subsidies & Countervailing Measures 175

Section 2 Major Legal Sources of Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 177

Section 3 A Detailed Introduction and Interpretation of ASCM 184

【Readings and Exercises】 210

 Chapter 9 Legal System on Safeguard Measures 215

Section 1 An Overview of Legal System on Safeguard Measure 215

Section 2 Major Legal Sources of Safeguard 217

Section 3 A Detailed Analysis of the ASG 220

Section 4 China-specific Safeguard Mechanism 236

【Readings and Exercises】 242

 Chapter 10 Legal System on Trade in Services 247

Section 1 The Coverage of GATS 248

Section 2 General Obligations and Disciplines 250

Section 3 Commitments on Market Access and National Treatment 257

Section 4 An Overview of GATS Annexes 263

Section 5 An Overview of the Negotiations for Progressive Liberalization 264

Section 6 Relevant Cases in relation to Trade in Services 268

【Readings and Exercises】 272

 Chapter 11 Legal System on Trade in Intellectual Properties 277

Section 1 An Overview of the Intellectual Properties and the Protection thereof 277

Section 2 The Coverage of the TRIPs Agreement and Types of IPRs thereunder 279

Section 3 Basic Principles of the TRIPs Agreement 284

Section 4 Uniform Substantive Rules under TRIPs Agreement 287

Section 5 Procedural Rules under the TRIPs Agreement 293

Section 6 Transitional Arrangements of the TRIPs Agreement 297

Section 7 Institutional Arrangements of the TRIPs Agreement 298

Section 8 A Case Study on the TRIPs Agreement 299

【Readings and Exercises】 302


 Chapter 12 Legal System on International Investment Regulation 309

Section 1 An Overview of the Legal System on International Investment Regulation 309

Section 2 Legal System of Capital Importing Countries on FDI Regulation and Protection 313

Section 3 Legal Systems of Capital Exporting Countries on FDI Regulation and Protection 314

Section 4 International Law for Promotion and Protection of FDIs 319

Section 5 A Case Study on Cross-border State-Investor Dispute 351

【Readings and Exercises】 354


 Chapter 13 Legal System on International Cooperation in Regulating the Banking Industry 361

Section 1 The Hard Law under the IMF System with regard to International Monetary Regulation (including Global Banking Regulation) 362

Section 2 The Soft Law under Basel System with regard to International Banking Regulation 371

Section 3 The Emerging G20 Financial Summit System 381

Section 4 Legal Framework for Regional Banking Regulation 389

【Readings and Exercises】 394

 Chapter 14 Legal Framework on International Securities Regulation 399

Section 1 International Cooperation in Securities Regulation under the IOSCO 399

Section 2 International Corporation in Cross-border Securities Regulation 405

【Readings and Exercises】 408

 Chapter 15 Legal System on International Insurance Regulation 413

Section 1 Development and Trends of Insurance Supervision in Developed Countries 413

Section 2 International Cooperation on Insurance Regulation under the IAIS 417

【Readings and Exercises】 426

 Chapter 16 A Case Study on the Potential US-China Exchange Rate Dispute 431

Section 1 Potential Unilateral Actions and Possible Results thereof 433

Section 2 Potential Multilateral Actions and Possible Results thereof 435

Section 3 Comments on Potential China-US Exchange Dispute 437

【Readings and Exercises】 440


 Chapter 17 Theories and Practice of Tax Jurisdiction 445

Section 1 Resident Jurisdiction 445

Section 2 Source Jurisdiction 449

Section 3 Distinctions between the Resident Jurisdiction and the Source Jurisdiction 450

【Readings and Exercises】 451

 Chapter 18 International Double Taxation and Solutions thereof 455

Section 1 Double Taxation on Transnational Incomes 455

Section 2 Bilateral Measures for Avoiding International Double Taxations 459

Section 3 Unilateral Measures for Avoiding International Double Taxation 465

【Readings and Exercises】 468

 Chapter 19 Cross-border Tax Evasion & Tax Avoidance and Legal Solution thereof 473

Section 1 An Overview of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance 473

Section 2 Law on Regulation of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance 483

Section 3 International Cooperation on Prevention of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Avoidance 493

【Readings and Exercises】 499

 Chapter 20 An Illustrative Case Study in International Taxation 501

Section 1 A Brief Introduction to Facts and Procedural History 501

Section 2 The Issues and Result of the Case 502

【Readings and Exercises】 505



 Chapter 21 Major Approaches for the Settlement of Regulation-related International Economic Disputes (RRIEDs) 509

Section 1 Litigations for Settling the RRIEDs 510

Section 2 Arbitrations for Settling the RRIEDs 525

Section 3 ADRs for the Settlement of RRIEDs 529

【Readings and Exercises】 530

 Chapter 22 Settlement of Investment Disputes under the ICSID Convention 533

Section 1 The Features and Settlement of Investment Disputes under the ICSID Convention 533

Section 2 The Compulsory ICSID Arbitration for Settling Investment Disputes 536

Section 3 Criticisms on and Recent Development of ICSID Arbitrations 545

【Readings and Exercises】 552

 Chapter 23 The Evolution and Features of the WTO Dispute Settlement System 557

Section 1 Improvements of the WTO DSS on the Basis of the GATT DS Mechanism 557

Section 2 Basic Procedures of WTO Dispute Settlement 566

Section 3 Comments on the DDSS in the WTO 570

【Readings and Exercises】 582

 Chapter 24 Relevant Case Studies in relation to the DSS under the WTO 585

Section 1 The EU-Hormone-Treated Beef Case 585

Section 2 The US-Shrimp-Turtle Case 590

【Readings and Exercises】 595





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