This exhibition provides a high-quality cross-section of the decade and of the MUSA collection. It aims, on the one hand, to delineate the major developments of art in Vienna, and, on the other, to clarify for the observer the characteristic focus of the art sponsorship program. The resulting retrospective reveals not only the rich abundance of, but also the gaps in the collection, which arose from the broad-based but not particularly progressive cultural policy of the time.
After documenting the 1950s. this MUSA exhibition and catalogue con- tinue the chronological tour of the collection of contemporary art held by the City of Vienna.
From 1960 to 1969, ca. 3,800 works were acquired, and 460 objects were realized as part of its "art-in-architecture" scheme. Later acquisitions and do-nations to the collection have brought its holdings in art to ca. 4,300 works. In the public perception of this decade, the "Viennese School of Fantastic Realism" reigned supreme. In addition, there were numerous variants of abstract art and realism; from 1968 on, the group "Wirklichkeiten" champi-oned fresh ideas. The most widely recognized contribution to the interna-tional avant-garde is the work of the Viennese Actionists that was highly controversial at its time.
Berthold Ecker describes the history of the collection and the acquisitions policies of that decade; Wolfgang Hilger draws on his personal memories to offer firsthand insights into the Viennese art world of the era. Bernhard Denscher's contribution discusses Austrian cultural policies of the decade, which wavered between stagnation and new beginnings. Monika Platzer sheds light on "art-in-architecture" as a reflection of a communicative proc-ess; Elisabeth Voggeneder examines Austrian positions in the context of international tendencies. Theresia Hauenfels's essay offers a general history of this decade of change, highlighting important cultural developments.
Eine phantastische Moderne
Die lg60erJahre in der Sammlung der
Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien - MUSA
A Fantastic Modernism
The 1960s in the Collection of the Department for
Cultural Affairs of the City of Vienna - MUSA
Berthold Ecker
Erinnerungen und Anmerkungen
Subjektives zu Wiens Kunstbetrieb in den 60er Jahren
Recollections and Remarks
A subjective look at the Viennese art scene of the 1960s
Wolfgang Hilger
Bewegter Stillstand
Politische Kultur und Kulturpolitik der 1960er Jahre in Osterreich
Standstill in Motion
Political culture and cultural politics in 1960s Austria
Bernhard Denscher
Ein Jahrzehnt des Wandels
A Decade of Change
Theresia Hauenfels
Kunst am Bau der 60er Jahre -
"dekorierte Architektur" oder Kommunikationskonzept?
Art-in-architecture in the 1960s -
"Decorated Architecture" or Method of Communication?
Monika Platzer
Boeckl, Brus und Bauer treffen Beuys, Rauschenberg und Weiner
Aspekte 5sterreichischer Positionen im Kontext internationaler Tendenzen
- eine Skizze
Boeckl, Brus, and Bauer Meet Beuys, Rauschenberg, and Weiner
Aspects of Austrian positions in the context of international trends:
a sketch
Elisabeth Voggeneder
Ankaufsstatistik / Acquisition Statistics
Preistragerlnnen / Award Winners
Wien in den 60er Jahren / Vienna in the 1960s
Katalog Catalogue
Werkverzeichnis List of Works
Impressum End Matter