Polish artist Monika Grzymala (born 1970) expands the practice of drawing to include paper itself: in her latest works, the drawing is the paper, from which Grzymala elicits line-like properties that in turn closely respond to the site of their production. This monographs examines this and other transformations of drawing by Grzymala, such as works using strips of colored tape.
Elena Winkel
Foreword / Vorwort
Drawing Spatially
Elena Winkel in Conversation with Monika Grzymala
Elena Winkel im Gesprach mit Monika Grzymala
Petra Kipphoff
The Emancipation of the Line from the History of Drawing, or
Journey into the Land of Higher Knowledge
Die Emanzipation der Linie von der Geschichte der Zeichnung oder
eine Reise ins Land der besseren Erkenntnis
Catherine de Zegher
Pulp Vision: Monika Grzymala's Swirling Paper "Linealogy," or
Paper Which Draws Itself
Pulp Vision: Monika Grzymalas wirbelnde Papierlinealogien oder
Papier, das sich selbst zeichnet
Appendix / Anhang
Biography / Biografie
Bibliography / Bibliografie