This book is an easy-to-use reference to the key terms used in illustration. Each entry comprises a brief textual definition along with a drawing or visual example of the point under discussion. Supplementary contextual information is also included.
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简介 | 编辑推荐 This book is an easy-to-use reference to the key terms used in illustration. Each entry comprises a brief textual definition along with a drawing or visual example of the point under discussion. Supplementary contextual information is also included. 内容推荐 Welcome to The Visual Dictionary of lllustration, a book that provides textual definitions and visual explanations for common terms found in the key areas of illustration and pertinent entries from related arts. This book aims to provide clear definitions to the myriad of terms used within illustration. It includes explanations of commonly misused terms; the difference between doodles and drawings or ornithological and conceptual illustrations; and the significance of key figures in the world of illustration. The Visual Dictionary of lUustration provides visual explanations from the traditional and the classic, to the contemporary and experimental. 目录 Prologue How to get the most out of this book Introduction The Dictionary A Abstract Absurdity Acrylic Advertising Agent Allegory Almanacs Alphabet Books Alternative Comics Anatomical Illustration Animation Annuals Anthropomorphism Appropriation Architectural Illustration Archive Art Deco Art Director Art Nouveau Arts and Crafts Movement Art School Assemblage Authorship Avant-garde B Badges Bayeux Tapestry Beardsley, Aubrey Bewick, Thomas Blab! Blake, Wiiliam Book Art Book Jacket Botanical Illustration Brainstorming Brandywine School Brief C CaldecotL Randolph Campaign Caricature Cartoon Chapbook Character Chiaroscuro Chiidren, s Books Client Collaboration Collage Colour Comics Commentary Commission Communication Skills Composition Computer-generated Imagery(CGI) Conceptual Illustration Copyright Corporate Illustration Crane, Walter Cruikshank, George Cubism Cutaways D Dada Decoration Diagram Digital Revolution Disney, Walt Doodle Dor6, Gustave Drawing E Editorial Illustration Educational Illustration Embroidery Encyclopedia Entertainment Environmental Illustration Etching Ethics Experimentation Expressionism F Fantasy Fashion Illustration Felt-tip Pens Fin de Siecle Flyers Folio Society Folk Art Frottage G Genres GiUray, James Golden Age Graffiti Graphic Design Graphic Novels Greenaway, Kate Greetings Cards H Hand-drawn Type Herbals Hieroglyphics Historical Illustration Hogarth, William numour Hyperrealism I Ideas Illuminated Manuscripts Illustrated Ape, The Illustrated London News,The Imagination Information Inspiration Internet Interpretation J Juxtaposition K Kirby, Jack Kitsch Knitted Illustration Kollwitz, Kathe Kramers Ergot L Le Gun Life Drawing Line Linocut Lithography Live Painting Livre d'artiste Logo M Magazines Manga Maps Marketing Mark Making Masereel, Frans Medical Illustration Merchandising Mixed Media Mono Print Mosaic Murals Music Graphics N Narrative Natural Sciences New Yorker, The Notebook O Observational Drawing Organisations Ornithological Illustration Outsider Art P Packaging Paint Paper Pen and Ink Pencil Personal Projects Personification Perspective Persuasion Photocopier Photography Photomontage Pictogram Pitch Polish Posters Political Illustration Pop,ups Portfolio Portrait Postcards Poster, The Potter, Beatrix Printmaking Psychedelic Pulp Fiction Punch Punk Push Pin Studios R Raster Rebus Reference Renaissance Reportage Representational Research Retro Rockwell, Norman Romanticism S Satire Scanner Science Fiction Scrapbooks Scratchboard Screen Printing Self Promotion Self Publishing Sequential Illustration Serendipity Silhouette Simplicissimus Skateboard Sketchbook Software Speech Bubble Spot Illustration Stamps Steinberg, Saul Stencil Storyboard Storytelling Street Art Studio Style Surrealism Symbolism T Tattoo Technical Illustration Television Graphics Tenniel, Sir John Text and Image Textiles Three-dimensional projects Thumbnail Title Sequences Toys Traditional Illustration Travel Illustration Trends Trompe l'oeil T-shirt Typography U Ukiyo-e Urban Vinyl V Varoom Vector Vernacular Victorian I11ustration Video Jockeying Vienna Secession Vignette Virtual Worlds Visual Impact Visual Language Visual Metaphor W War Illustration Watercolour Websites Where the Wild Things Are Whimsical Window Display Wit Woodcut Wood Engraving Working Process Y Yellow Book, The Yellow Submarine Z Zeitgeist Zines The Details The Timeline Conclusion Acknowledgements Index |
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