田鸣主编的《麻醉学》内容介绍:Unfortunately there is no consensus as to how to improve the level and quality ofeducation for these students or even as to which English language materials should beused. Some teachers prefer to directly use original English language materials, whileothers make use of Chinese medical textbooks with the help of English languagemedical notes.
Chapter 1 Preanesthetic Evaluation and Preparation
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Preanesthetic Evaluation
1.3 Anesthetic and Surgical Preparation
Chapter 2 Regional Block Anesthesia
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Regional Anesthesia and Local Anesthetics
2.3 Peripheral Nerve Block
2.4 Intrathecal Anesthesia
Chapter 3 General Anesthesia
3.1 Concept of General Anesthesia
3.2 Related Basic Knowledge
3.3 Management of General Anesthesia
3.4 Complications
Chapter 4 Monitoring and Managements during Anesthesia
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Significance and Importance of Monitoring during and after Anesthesia
4.3 The Basic Standard of Monitoring during Anesthesia
4.4 Contents of Cardiovascular System Monitoring
4.5 Principles of Circulatory Disturbance Management
4.6 Monitoring Methods and Managements of Respiration during Anesthesia
4.7 Judgments and Managements of Anesthesia Depth
4.8 Commonly Used Monitoring of Body Temperature
4.9 Monitoring and Managements during Recovery Period after Anesthesia
Chapter 5 Fluid Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Monitoring of Fluid, Electrolytes and Osmolality
5.3 Principle to Treat Turbulence of Fluid Balance
Chapter 6 Shock
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Classification of Shock
6.3 Hypovolemic Shock
6.4 Cardiogenic Shock
6.5 Distributive Shock
6.6 Obstructive Shock
Chapter 7 Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Mechanisms of MODS
7.3 Definition of MODS
7.4 Management of MODS
Chapter 8 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
8.1 The Concept of CPR and CPCR
8.2 Immediate Recognition and Activation of the Emergency Response System
8.3 Basic Life Support
8.4 Advanced Life Support
8.5 Post-resuscitation Treatment (PRT)
Chapter 9 Nutritional Aspects
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Nutritional Requirements of Surgical Patients
9.3 Methods of Providing Nutrition Support
9.4 Nutritional Support in Special Situations
Chapter 10 Pain Treatment
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Concept, Classification and Assessing of Pain
10.3 The Body Responses of Pain
10.4 The Influence Factors of Pain
10.5 The Common Methods of Pain Treatment