subordinate adjective UK [səˈbɔː.dɪ.nət] US [-ˈbɔːr-/ ■having a lower or less important position 从属的,下级的;次要的•a subordinate role配角 •subordinate status从属地位 •The individual's needs are subordinate to those of the group.个人需求必须从属于集体需求。 noun countable UK [səˈbɔː.dɪ.nət] US [-ˈbɔːr-/ ■a person who has a less important position than you in an organization 下属,下级•He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates.他把例行检查交给了一个下属负责。 verb transitive UK [səˈbɔː.dɪ.neɪt] US [-ˈbɔːr-/ ■to put someone or something into a less important position 使从属于,使处于次要地位•Her personal life has been subordinated to her career.她将个人生活置于事业之下。 |