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书名 石文观止
分类 文学艺术-艺术-鉴赏收藏
作者 王沛
出版社 甘肃人民出版社




Carrying Forward the Truth.Goodness and Beauty.Belittling 弘扬真善美,贬斥假恶丑(序)

the False,Evil and Ugly(Preface)Fan Peng 范鹏

There is a Boundless world to be Explored in the Marvellous 石中有大千(序--)

Stones(Preface 2)Su Lishe 苏立社

AWisp ofBreezeBlowtheFace(Preface 3)WuXiaojuan 一缕清风拂面来(序三) 吴晓娟

Author's Preface 自序

Chapter 1 The Emperors Generals and Ministers 第一章帝王将相

HorseLeapovertheTanxiRiver 马跃檀溪/2

KangXi Emperor 康熙大帝/4

Penetrating Insight 火眼金睛/6

GenghisKhan oftheYuanDynasty 一代天骄/8

MaoZedong 伟人石/10

Liu Shaoqi 一代伟人/12

SunZhongshan 孙中山/14

(Zhouyi}Experience the Three Saints 易历三圣/16

Jiang Taigong Fishing 姜太公钓鱼/18

Emperor Zhou and DaJi ofthe Shaug Dynasty 纣王与妲己/20

Chapter 2 Gifted Schol~s and Beautiful Ladies 第二章才子佳人

TheWomanWashingGauze 浣纱女子/24

TwoRoyalWomen 金色年华/26

ZhaoJun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride 昭君出塞/28

The Four Beauties 四大美女/30

TheDrunkenBeauty 贵妃醉酒/32

Romantic Person ofBygone Years. 千古风流/36

The Love Dream ofShenyuan 沈园情梦/38

MiFu Salute Stones 米芾拜石/40

Drinking Alone with the Moon 月下独酌/42

DaiYu Buries Fallen Flowers 黛玉葬花/44

Chapter3 The Collections ofChineseAncient Civilization 第三章国学荟萃

Magnanimous Buddha 大肚弥勒佛/48

Bodhidharma 菩提达摩/50

MadMonk 济公出道/52

Three God ofTaoism 道教三神/54

A Buddhist Sit in Meditation 坐佛/56

JianZhen Dharma Master 鉴真法师/58

HuiKe Dharma Master 慧可禅师/60

Shakyamuni 释迦牟尼/62

HuiNeng Dharma Maste 惠能大师/64

XianGu Donate Towards Fish 仙姑送鱼/66

Chapter4 The Chinese Characters 第四章华夏文字

The Word OfChinese Characters‘GUOJUN’ 国君/70

The Word OfChinese Characters‘SHI XING TIAN’ 石行天/72

The Word ofChinese Characters‘SHI’ 石字/74

The Word ofChinese Characters‘BAYl’ 八一/76

The Word of Chinese Characters‘NV’ 女字/78

The Word of Chinese Characters‘ZHONG WEN’ 中文/80

The Word of Chinese Characters‘ZHONG GUO’ 中国/82

The Word ofChinese Characters‘WANG’ 王字/84

The Word of Chinese Characters‘LANXIANG’ 兰香/86

BuhI 布尔/88

Chapter5 Person Search 第五章人物检索

Bao Zheng 包拯/92

Tang Seng 唐僧/94

Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生/98

TheWestforBuddhist Sutra 西天取经/100

The Ancient Characters 古代人物/104

The Characters ofA Dream in Red Mansions 红楼梦人物/106

Princess HuanZhu 还珠格格/108

QuYuan 屈原/110

GuanYu 关羽/112

LinZexu 林则徐/114

Chapter6 Emotional Theater 第六章情感剧场

AllegiantDog 义犬/118

God’SDog 天狗/120

Blind Person Showgirl 盲歌女/122

The Pic~e ofDouble Crane 双鹤图/124

Love Forever 千年之恋/126






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