Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Historical Background
2.1 The Aristotelian Approach:Metaphor as a Transference of Names
2.2 The Traditional Linguistic Approach:The Controversion Theory and the Deviance Theory
2.3 The Pragmatic Approach:Metaphor as a Special Speech Act
2.4 The Interactionist Approach:Metaphor as an Interaction
2.5 Biyu Studies in China
Chapter 3 Theoretical Prerequisites
3.1 Symbolic,Conceptual and Subconceptual Representations of Cognition
3.2 The Cognitive Linguistic Paradigm
3.2.1 The Theory of Prototypes and Basic—level Categories
3.2.2 An Overview of Cognitive Linguistics
3.2.3 Experiential Realism:The Bodily Basis of Cognition
3.3 The Cognitive Approach tO Metaphor
3.3.1 The Main Characteristics of Metaphor
3.3.2 The Internal Structure of Metaphor:Metaphor as a Mapping Across Domains
3.3.3 The Expefiential Bases and the Realizations of MetaFIhot
3.3.4 The Classification of Metaphor
3.3.5 Recent Studies Adopting the Cognitive Approach tO Metaphor
3.3.6 Criticisms of the Cognitive Approach to Metaphor
3.3.7 Questions Faced by the Cognitive Approach tO Metaphor
3.4 Space,Image Schemas and Spatial Metaphors
3.4.1 The Primacy of Space
3.4.2 The Primacy of UP/DOWN Axis
3.4.3 Image Schema
3.4.4 Spatial Metaphors
3.5 Research Issues:UP,DOWN,SHANG and XIA as Image Schematic Concepts
Chapter 4 Research Methodology
4.1 From UP to up
4.2 The Dictionary—based Approach and the Corpus—based Approach
4.3 Building up a Database
Chapter 5 SHANG/XIA and UP/DOWN in the Lexicon
5.1 SHANG and XIA
5.1.3 TIME
5.1.4 STATES
5.1.5 Elaboration from Verticality tO Horizontality
5.1.6 Summary
5.2 UP and DOWN
5.2.3 TIME
5.2.4 STATES
5.2.5 Elaboration from Verticality tO Horizontality
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 SHANG/XIA and UP/DOWN in the Corpora
6.1.1 The General Picture of SHANG
6.1.2 The Metaphorical Extensions of SHANG
6.2 XIA
6.2.1 The General Picture of XIA
6.2.2 The Metaphorical Extensions of XIA
6.3 UP
6.3.1 The General PiCtlare of UP
6.3.2 The Metaphorical Extensions of UP
6.4 DOWN
6.4.1 The General Picture of DOWN
6.4.2 The Metaphorical Extensions of DOWN
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
English Bibliography
Chinese Bibliography