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书名 工科微积分(双语版高等学校理工科数学类规划教材)
分类 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育
作者 王立冬//周文书//袁学刚
出版社 大连理工大学出版社





1 Functions,Limits and Continuity函数、极限与连续

 1.0 Citing examples引例

 1.1 Functions函数

 Key points of this section本节重点


 1.1.1 Concept of functions函数的概念

 1.1.2 Several common properties of functions函数的几种常见性态

 1.1.3 Composite functions and inverse functions复合函数与反函数

 1.1.4 Mappings映射

 1.1.5 Elementary functions and non-elementary functions初等函数与非初等函数

 1.1.6 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 1.2 Limits极限

 Key points of this section本节重点


 1.2.1 Examples of concepts of limits极限概念引例

 1.2.2 Limits of functions for independent variable tending tO finite values


 1.2.3 Limits of functions as independent variable tending tO infinity


 1.2.4 Limits of sequences of numbers数列的极限

 1.2.5 Infinitesimals and infinities无穷小与无穷大

 1.3 Properties and operations of limits极限的性质与运算

 Key points of this section本节重点


 1.3.1 Several properties of limits极限的几个性质

 l.3.2 Four arithmetic operations rules of limits极限的四则运算法则

 1.3.3 Relations between limits of functions and limits of sequences of numbers


 1.3.4 Squeeze rule夹逼法则

 1.3.5 Operation rules of composite functions复合函数运算法则

 1.3.6 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 1.4 Monotone bounded principle and irrational number e


 Kev points of this section本节重点


 1.4.1 Monotonic bounded principle单调有界原理

 1.4.2 An important:limit:■重要极限:■

 1.4.3 Exoonential function er,logarithm function In x and hyperbolic functions


 1.5 Comparison between infinitesimals无穷小的比较

 Key points of this section本节重点


 1.5.1 Order of infinitesimals无穷小的阶

 1.5.2 Compute the limit by the substitution of equivalent infinitesimals


 1.5.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 1.6 Continuity and discontinuity of functions函数的连续与间断

 Kev points of this section本节重点


 1.6.1 Continuity and discontinuity of functions函数的连续与间断

 1.6.2 Continuity of elementary functions初等函数的连续性

 1.6.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 1.7 Properties of continuous functions on closed interval


 Key points of this section本节重点

 1.7.1 Basic contents基本内容

 1.7.2 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 Exercises 习 题

2 Differential Calculus of one Variable Functions

 and its Applications一元函数微分学及其应用

 2.0 Cited examples引例

 2.1 Concepts of derivatives导数的概念

 Kev points of this section本节重点


 2.1.1 Concepts of derivatives导数的概念

 2.1.2 Examples for finding derivative by definition用定义求导数举例

 2.1.3 Geometry interpretation of derivative导数的几何意义

 2.1.4 Relationship between continuity and differentiability连续性与可导性的关系

 2.1.5 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.2 Derivation rules求导法则

 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.2.1 Derivation rules of sum,difference,product and quotient of functions


 2.2.2 Derivation rules of composite functions复合函数的求导法则

 2.2.3 Derivation rules of inverse functions反函数的求导法则

 2.2.4 Some special derivation rules一些特殊的求导法则

 2.2.5 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.3 Derivatives of higher order and relative rates of change


 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.3.1 Derivatives of higher order高阶导数

 2.3.2 Relative rates of change相关变化率

 2.3.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.4 Differential and local I inear approximation of functions


 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.4.1 Concept of differential微分的概念

 2.4.2 Formulas and operation rules of differentials微分公式与运算法则

 2.4.3 Geometric interpretation of differential微分的几何意义

 2.5 Computing limits by deriVatiVes——L’Hospital rule


 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.5.1 LH spitaIrule f the indeterminate form百0罟型未定式的洛必达法则

 2.5.2 LHOSpitalrule f the indeterminate fornl o oo姜型未定式的洛必达法则

 2.5.3 Limits of other indeterminate forms其他类型未定式的极限

 2.5.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.6 Mean value theorems of differentials微分中值定理

 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.6.1 Rolle theorem罗尔定理

 2.6.2 Lagrange mean value theorem拉格朗日中值定理

 2.6.3 Cauchy mean value theorem柯西中值定理

 2.6.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.7 Taylor formula Approximating functions by polynomials


 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.7.1 Taylor polynomial and Taylor formula泰勒多项式与泰勒公式

 2.7.2 Maclaurin formulas in common use常用的麦克劳林公式

 2.7.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.8 Study properties of functions by derivatives利用导数研究函数的性质

 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.8.1 Monotonicity of functions函数的单调性.

 2.8.2 Extremum of functions函数的极值

 2.8.3 Maximum and minimum of functions函数的最大值与最小值

 2.8.4 Convexity and inflection point of functions函数的凸性与拐点

 2.8.5 Asymptote lines of curves曲线的渐近线

 2.8.6 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 2.9 Curvature of plane curves平面曲线的曲率

 Key points of this section本节重点


 2.9.1 Arc differential弧微分

 2.9.2 Curvature and its formula曲率和曲率公式

 Exercises 习 题

3 Integral Calculus of one Variable Functions and its Applications一元函数积分学及其应用

 3.0 Citing examples引例

 3.1 and integrable rules of definite integrals


 Key points of this section本节重点


 3.1.1 Examples for definite integrals定积分问题举例

 3.1.2 Concepts of definite integrals定积分的概念

 3.1.3 Geometric interpretation of definite integrals定积分的几何意义

 3.1.4 Integrable criterions可积准则

 3.1.5 Properties of definite integrals定积分的性质

 3.1.6 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 3.2 Fundamental theorem of calculus微积分基本定理

 Key points of this section本节重点


 3.2.1 Newton-Leibniz formula牛顿一莱布尼兹公式

 3.2.2 Existence theorem of primitive function原函数存在定理

 3.2.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 3.3 Indefinite integrals不定积分

 Key points of this section本节重点


 3.3.1 Concept and properties of indefinite integrals不定积分的概念及性质

 3.3.2 Fundamental integral formulas基本积分公式

 3.3.3 Integral rules积分法则

 3.3.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 3.4 Computation of definite integrals定积分的计算

 Key points of this section本节重点

 3.4.1 Integration by substitutions for definite integrals定积分的换元法

 3.4.2 Integration by parts for definite integrals定积分的分部积分法

 3.4.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 3.5 Applications of definite integrals定积分应用举例

 Key points of this section本节重点


 3.5.1 Additivity of quanta and micro-element method总量的可加性与微元法

 3.5.2 Examples applying on geometry几何应用举例

 3.5.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


 3.5.3 Other applications其他应用

 3.6 Improper integral反常积分

 Key points of this section本节重点


 3.6.1 Improper integrals on infinite intervals无穷区间上的反常积分

 3.6.2 Improper integrals of unbounded functions无界函数的反常积分

 3.6.3 Criterions of convergence of improper integrals反常积分的收敛判别法

 Exercises 习题

4 Differential Equations微分方程

 Key points of this chapter本章重点


 4.0 Cited examples引例

 4.1 Basic concepts of differential equations微分方程的基本概念

 4.2 Elementary methods of integration for solving some simple

 differential equations某些简单微分方程的初等积分法

 4.3 Brief introduction for establ ishing differential equations


 4.4 Higher—order differential equations高阶微分方程

 4.4.1 Structures of general solutions of linear differential equations


 4.4.2 Solutions of higher-order homogeneous linear differential equations

 with constant coefficients高阶常系数齐次线性微分方程的解法

 4.4.3 Solutions of higher-order nonhomogeneous linear differential equations

 with constant coefficients高阶常系数非齐次线性微分方程的解法

 4.5 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples


Exercises 习题





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