本书的英文内容由V.S.Vernon Jones改写,中文内容由罗竹君翻译。全书精选90篇故事,篇篇生动,字字精炼,非常适合作为英语阅读的材料,每一篇故事皆针对重要词汇提供同页中英文注释,对于初级学习者学习英文有非常大的帮助。
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书名 | 读伊索寓言学英语(附光盘) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (古希腊)伊索 |
出版社 | 华东理工大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 寓言一直是今日教育儿童,让他们学习道德教训最受欢迎的方式,而伊索寓言的许多故事亦涵盖其中,例如《狐狸与葡萄》道出“吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸”的道理,而《牧童与狼》的故事更是人人知晓。 本书的英文内容由V.S.Vernon Jones改写,中文内容由罗竹君翻译。全书精选90篇故事,篇篇生动,字字精炼,非常适合作为英语阅读的材料,每一篇故事皆针对重要词汇提供同页中英文注释,对于初级学习者学习英文有非常大的帮助。 内容推荐 《伊索寓言》是一系列由伊索(Aesop)所创作的寓言故事,往往能在寥寥数语间传达深刻的人生哲理。 全书精选90篇故事,篇篇生动,字字精炼,让你在愉快阅读的同时,英文程度也能一日千里! 本书配有由专业美语教师发音的英文录音,读者可配合故事内容诵读,或单独聆听,以增进英语的口语及发音能力。 目录 1 The Fox and the Grapes狐狸与葡萄 2 The Goose That Laid the GoIden Eggs下金蛋的鹅 3 The Cat and the Mice猫与鼠 4 The Mischievous Dog淘气的狗 5 The Bat and the WeaselS蝙蝠与黄鼠狼 6 The Spendthrift and the Swallow败家子与燕 7 The Cat and the Birds猫与乌 8 Mercury and the Woodman水神与樵夫 9 The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion驴、狐狸与狮子 10 The Crow and the Pitcher乌鸦与水瓶 11 The North Wind and the Sun北风与太阳 12 The Milkmaid and Her Pail挤牛奶的姑娘和奶桶 13 The Fox and the Monkey狐狸与猴子 14 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble枞树与荆棘 15 The Gnat and the BuII蚊子与公牛 16 The Bear and the Travelers熊与旅人28 17 The Flea and the Man跳蚤与人 18 The Bee and Jupiter蜜蜂与朱庇特 19 The BIind Man and the Cub盲人与幼兽 20 The Ass and HiS Burdens驴子与驮货 21 The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf牧童与狼 22 The Fox and the GOat狐狸与山羊 23 The Boastinq Traveler吹嘘的旅人 24 The Crab and HiS Mother小螃蟹与母亲 25 The Dog and the Cook狗与厨师 26 The Farmer and Fortune农夫与命运女神 27 Father and Sons父与子 28 The Boy Bathing洗澡的小男孩 29 The Quack Frog呱呱叫的青蛙 30 The Peasant and the Apple—Tree农夫与苹果树 31 The Oxen and the Axletrees公牛与车轮轴 32 The Boy and the FiIberts男孩与榛果 33 The Mon and the Lion男人与狮子 34:The BIacksmith and HiS Dog铁匠与小狗 35 The Stag at the Pool池边的雄鹿 36 The Mice and the Weasels老鼠与黄鼠狼 37 The Bear and the Fox熊与狐狸 38 Hercules and the Wagoner大力士与马车夫 39 The Lion and the WiId Ass狮子与野驴 40 The Lioness and the Vixen母狮与母狐 41 The Viper and the File蝮蛇和锉刀 42 The Cat and the Cock猫与公鸡 43 The Hare and the Tortoise龟兔赛跑 44 The Two Pots两只锅 45 The Lion and the Three BullS狮子与三头公牛 46 The Lark and the Farmer云雀与农夫 47 The Three Tradesmen三名工匠 48 The Sheep,the WoIf,and the Stag绵羊、狼与雄鹿 49 The Hound and the Hare猎犬与野兔 50 The Mouse and the Bull老鼠与公牛 51 The Lion and the Bull狮子与公牛 52 The WOIf,the Fox,and the Ape狼、狐狸与猩猩 53 The Eagle and the Cocks老鹰与公鸡 54 The Farmer and the Fox农夫与狐狸 55 The Crow and the Swan乌鸦与天鹅 56 The Stag with One Eye独眼的雄鹿 57 The Farmer and the Stork农夫与鹤 58 The Farmer and the Viper农夫与蛇 59 The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion驴子、公鸡与狮子 60 The Traveler and the PIane—Tree旅人与悬铃木 61 The Eagle,the Jackdaw,and the Shepherd老鹰、寒鸦与牧羊人 62 The Stag and the Vine雄鹿与葡萄藤 63 The Archer and the Lion弓箭手与狮子 64 The Wolves and the Dogs狼与狗 65 The Laborer and the Snake工人与蛇 66 The Cage—Bird and the Bat笼中鸟与蝙蝠 67 The Ass and His Purchaser驴子与买主 68 The Pack—Ass and the WiId Ass家驴和野驴 69 The Ass and HiS Masters驴子与主人 70 The Pack-ASS,the Wild ASS,and the Lion驮货驴、野驴与狮子 71 The Ant蚂蚁 72 The Frogs and the Well青蛙和井 73 The Ass Carrying the Image运神像的驴子 74 The Goatherd and the Goat牧羊人与山羊 75 The Shepherd and the Wolf牧羊人与狼 76 The Bee-Keeper养蜂人 77 The WOlf and the Horse狼与马 78 The Bat,the Bramble,and the Seagull蝙蝠、荆棘与海鸥 79 The Dog and the Wolf狗与狼 80 The Eagle and the Beetle老鹰与甲虫 81 The Impostor骗子 82 The Lion,the Fox,and the Ass狮子、狐狸与驴 83 The Eagle and the Fox老鹰与狐狸 84 The Butcher and HiS Customers屠夫与客人 85 The Fox Who Served a Lion服侍狮子的狐狸 86 The Crow and the Raven乌鸦与渡鸦 87 The Serpent and the Eagle蛇与老鹰 88 The Crab and the Fox螃蟹与狐狸 89 The Stag and the LiOR雄鹿与狮子 90 The Nightingale and the Swallow夜莺与燕 Exercise 1-6 Answers |
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