They have been established by a rigorous collation of extant manuscripts and typescripts,proofs and early printed versions; they restore the words, sentences, even whole pages omitted or falsified by editors or compositors; they are freed from printing-house conventions which were imposed on Lawrence's style;and interference on the part of frightened publishers has been eliminated.
General editors' preface
The Trespasser
Explanatory notes
Textual apparatus
1 From ‘The Letter': the diary of Helen Corke (written 6 August 1909-8 May 1910)
2 The Freshwater Diary' (written i9o9-io) by Helen Corke
3 From The Cornwall Writing' (written 1911-12) by Helen Corke
4 From Lawrence's MSI: chapter 12 (‘The Stranger') of‘The Saga of Siegmund'
5 Extract from The Surrey Comet, for Wednesday, II August 1909
6 Wagner and The Trespasser