第一部分 Part I
Unit 1 客户会议 组织客户会议 Organize a client meeting3
客户会谈 Meet with customers5
谈论工作 Talk about job6
建立贸易关系 Establish business relations7
Unit 2 外贸谈判 安排谈判 Arrangements for the negotiation10
谈判实例 Example of the negotiation13
谈判结语 Conclusion of negotiation15
Unit 3 合同签订 定合同 Sign a contract20
商定条款 Check term20
说明解释 Explanation22
询问细节 Ask for details23
Unit 4 价格谈判 付款条件 Payment term26
折扣 Discount27
合理价位 Reasonable prices28
折衷 Compromise29
Unit 5 订购交货 同类产品介绍 Introduction of product of the same sort33
限定条件订购 Place an order with condition34
成交 Lets call it a deal35
削减订单 Reduce order by half37
Unit 6 风险控制 保险单 The marine insurance policy41
提出索赔 Lodge a claim42
仲裁条款 Provision of arbitration44
Unit 7 贸易伙伴 与客户打招呼 Greet the clients47
商展中介绍产品 Introduce product47
联系买家 Contract the customer48
请客户下订单 Place the order50
变更约会时间 Change of appointment51
未约定的拜访 Abrupt appointment52
Unit 8 贸易使团 接待国外客户 Meet and invite foreign guests55
参观生产车间 Visit the factory57
产品的竞争力 Products competitive edge58
用餐招待 Banquet59
观光旅游招待 Go sightseeing60
商谈中的休息时间 Lets have a break61
送客 Say goodbye62
Unit 9 贸易对象 出口研究的重要性 The importance of the export research65
调研内容 Research content66
语言差异 Language differences67
商品调整 Product adaptation69
了解对方国的文化 Get to know the culture of the
countries in which you do business70
符合国外市场口味 Very much to the taste of foreign
商业合同 Business contract72
负担额外成本 Meet the extra cost73
合作机会 Business opportunities74
Unit 10 签署协议 备好协议待签 The agreement is to be fully prepared78
协商付款方式 Discuss the mode of payment79
拟定签订协议 Draft and sign the agreement80
降价以达成协议 Reduce price and conclude a deal81
Unit 11 投资环境 发生根本性变化 Essential changes will take place85
投资环境信息 Information about environment of
投资环境 Investment environment87
中美贸易关系 SinoAmerican trade relation88
世界经济衰退 World recession90
Unit 12 外商投资 资金筹措 Raise the capital93
建立合资企业 Establish a joint venture94
法律建议 Some legal advice95
寻找商机 Look for business opportunities96
投资兴趣 Interest in making investment96
建立长久商务关系 Establish longterm business relations97
Unit 13 外贸政策 非歧视原则 Non discrimination principle100
国际贸易法律 The legal aspects of international
Unit 14 招标投标 投标条件 The conditions for the tender108
投标 Submission of Tender109
招标通知 Tender notice111
特殊要求 Special requirement112
Unit 15 磋商价格 价格与质量 Price and quality117
折扣 Discount118
出价 Offer120
试销订购 A trial order121
更新的报价单 A renewed price list123
调整价格 Adjust the price124
公道的市场价格 A fair market price126
Unit 16 公平公正 价格商谈 Price negotiation131
修改条款 Amend a clause133
谈判会晤 Contact135
Unit 17 贸易关系 建立贸易关系Establish business relationship139
建立业务关系 Enter into business relations141
产品介绍 Make a product presentation143
做生意和扩大贸易 Conclude and expand business144
Unit 18 履行合同 合同终止 Terminate a contract149
解决问题 Work the problems out150
质量问题 Quality issues151
Unit 19 自由贸易 关税壁垒 Tariff barrier155
非关税壁垒 Nontariff barrier156
世贸成员国 WTO membership157
Unit 20 企业类型 投资估价 Assessment of investment162
投资风险 Risk of investment165
投资比例 Proportion in investment166
投资步骤 Process of investment168
Unit 21 贸易类型 加工贸易 Processing and assembling trade173
补偿贸易 Compensation trade175
寄售贸易 Consignment trade177
易货贸易 Barter trade179
Unit 22 合资合作 投资场所 Outlet for investment185
技术引进 Technology import189
合资经营条件 Term and condition on joint venture 191
Unit 23 货物装运 装运时间 Time of shipment196
装船谈判 Discussion about shipment197
装船期限 Loading period198
装船问题 Problems about shipment200
装运卸货 Unload201
交货 Make delivery202
货物损失 Damage203
Unit 24 商标注册 注册商标 Register a trademark206
注册程序 Registration procedures207
商标转让 Transfer the trademark210
商标形象 Problem of the trademarks image211
注册细节 Details of registration213
Unit 25 代理服务 续约代理 Renew agent217
代理细节 Details about agents219
拒绝代理商 Refuse an agent220
代理协商 Discussion with the agent222
销量问题 Problems about selling amount224
Unit 26 专利注册 专利申请 Apply for a patent227
申请程序 Applying procedures228
专利转让 Transfer patents230
购买专利 Purchase patents232
Unit 27 争议仲裁 质量纠纷 Disputes on quality237
解决纠纷方式 Ways for resolving disputes239
中国仲裁制度 Arbitration in China240
诉诸仲裁 Resort to arbitration241
仲裁制度 Arbitration system243
第二部分 Part II
Unit 1 商品检验 检验问题 Inspection problems250
产品质量 Product quality252
商检协商 Discussion about inspection254
商检程序 Inspection procedures256
商检证明 Certificate257
检验规定 Regulations about inspection259
检验商议 Negotiation about inspection262
检验事宜确认 Confirmation of inspection 263
检验争议 Discrepancy about inspection 264
Unit 2 海关通关 通关手续Formalities in customs clearance269
通关协商Negotiation on customs clearance 272
过海关 Going through the customs 273
海关问询 Questioning at the customs 274
Unit 3 海关检查 海关检查 Inspections at the customs278
应税物品 Something dutiable 280
护照将要过期 Your passport will expire 281
市场份额 Market share 282
说明解释 Explanation 283
劝诫说服Persuasion 285
Unit 4 商务签证 申请签证 Apply for a visa289
签证条件Conditions of applying for a visa 290
新型签证A new type of visa 293
签证手续 Visa formalities 294
Unit 5 国际税收 国际税收的意义The significance of international taxation300
税务登记 Tax registration 303
税务检查 Tax inspection304
个人所得税 Individual income tax 306
Unit 6 检验包装 包装的重要性 The importance of packaging311
包装运送 Package and delivery313
检验包装 Inspection of packaging316
Unit 7 出境入境 入境咨询 Inquiry of entry322
居留咨询 Residency324
出境问询 Inquiry of departure326
第三部分 Part III
Unit 1 网上交易 降低价格 Reduce the price333
供应现货 Supply from stock334
谈论打折 Discount335
产品介绍 Could you tell me something about them337
Unit 2 产品推介 性能介绍 Function introduction342
业务推销 Business Promotion343
商务咨询 Business Consultation345
产品展示 Product Demonstration346
Unit 3 电子商务 网上购物 How to buy things online350
面临挑战 Challenges to Ecommerce352
光明前景 Outlook for Ecommerce353
Unit 4 参加商展 询问展位 Something about the booth358
参加商展 Attend trade shows359
展台搭建 Installation361
产品介绍 Commodity introduction362
Unit 5 广告营销 杂志广告 Advertisement in a magazine366
电视广告 Advertisement on TV367
媒体组合 The right media mix369
广告效果 Effect of advertisement370
Unit 6 市场调研 网上购物的利弊 Advantages and disadvantages of
质量调查 Quality research375
售后调查 Aftersale services377
市场调研 Market research378
第四部分 Part IV
Unit 1 贸易索赔 索赔理由 Reasons for making a claim382
提出索赔 Make a claim383
索赔谈判 Discussion about claims384
同意索赔 Agree with the claims386
退货 Return of goods387
Unit 2 货物保险 险种 Insurance types390
投保 To insure391
险别 Coverage392
保险纠纷 Dispute over insurance393
盗窃险 Pilferage insurance396
Unit 3 商业保险 商业保险对话 Talks about financial insurance399
商保事宜 Business about financial insurance400
类型选择 Choose a type of insurance401
商保类型 Business insurance types402
保险费率 Premium rates403
第五部分 Part V
Unit 1 迎来送往 机场迎接 Meet at the airport408
初次见面寒暄 First contact and greeting410
迎接客户 Receive the customer411
在宾馆的路上 On the road to the hotel412
询问和确认 Inquire and Confirm413
周密安排 Considerate arrangements415
送行 See off416
道别 Say goodbye418
Unit 2 酒店入住 预订房间 Reservation422
取消预订 Cancel a reservation424
登记住宿 Registration425
客人入住 Show a guest to the room427
叫早服务 Morning call service428
客房服务 Room service429
洗衣服务 Laundry service431
投诉 Complaint432
退房 Check out434
Unit 3 寒暄介绍 介绍新上司 Introduce the new boss437
介绍同事 Introduce a colleague438
自我介绍 Selfintroduction440
介绍自己和他人 Selfintroduction and Introduce the
guests to others
介绍给员工Introduce the guest to the personnel442
介绍外商 Introduce foreign counterparts443
介绍公司 Introduce the company445
Unit 4 商业宴请 邀请 Invitation449
订座 Book Seats451
安排就座 Seat the Guest453
点菜⑴ Order dishes455
点菜⑵ Take orders458
上菜 Serve dishes459
用餐 At dinner461
Unit 5 陪同参观 参观工厂 Visit a factory466
欢迎参观 Welcome to our factory467
带领参观 Show around468
了解产品 A good idea of product range470
参观展示室 Visit a showroom473
参观公司 Visit a company476
带客观光 Sightseeing477
游览世界奇观Visit great wonder of the world479
Unit 6 预约客户 约会 Appointment484
盼望电话 I look forward to your call486
订个约会 Set up a meeting488
安排约会 Arrangement489
变更约会 Change a meeting490
不能赴约 Unable to keep appointment491
更改时间 Reschedule the appointment493