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书名 心灵鸡汤(感悟人生英汉对照)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 青闰
出版社 中国城市出版社




第一卷 感悟人生

 The Coordinates of Life/人生的坐标

 The Patch of Life/人生的补丁

 The Rainy Season of Your Life/人生的雨季

 The Lubricating Oil of Life/人生的润滑油

 The Resilience of Life/人生的弹性

 The Height of Life/人生的顶点

 Life Is a Process of Making Honey/人生是酿蜜

 Life Is a Handful of Candy/人生是一把糖果

 The Tent of Life/人生的帐篷

 Life Is Not About Keeping Score/人生不是在积分

 Life Is a Full.Time School/人生是一所全日制学校

 Life Lies in Persistence/人生在于坚持

 Life Is an Opportunity/人生是一次机遇

 The Three Boxes of Life/人生的三只箱子

 The Orientation of Life/人生的定位

 The Draft of Life/人生的草稿

 Look at Life from the Snow/雪中看人生

 The Life in a Child's Eyes/孩子眼里的人生

 The Philosophy of a Mirror/一面镜子的人生哲理

 Look at the Life from a Different Angle/换个角度看人生

 The Art of How to Hold Life/把握人生的艺术

 The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me/奶奶教给我的人生准则

 Follow the Rainbow of Life/追寻人生的彩虹

 The Best Time of My Life/我一生中最好的时光

 Life Is Only a Test/人生只是一场考试

 A Miracle Changes Life/奇迹改变人生

 The Inquiry of Life/问人生

 First Change Yourself/改变人生从自己做起

 The Dignity of Life/人生的尊严

 Life Has the Time to Bloom/人生都有开花的时间

 Value the Gold Coins of Your Life/珍惜人生的金币

 The Ebb and Flow of Life/人生的涨落

 The Journey of Life Starts from the Set Goal/人生之旅从选定目标开始

 Lower Your Height/降低人生高度

 The Addition,Subtraction,Muhiplication and Division of Life/人生的加减乘除

 The Jigsaw Puzzle of Life/人生的拼图

 Life Also Has the Crossroad/人生也有歧路

 Position Your Life/定位你的人生

 The Punctuation of Life/人生的标点

 Life Is a Symphony/人生是一曲交响乐

 Sense Life/感悟人生

 The Splashes of Life/人生的波纹

 Life Is Like a Bird/人生如飞鸟

第二卷 感悟幸福

 The Direction of Happiness/幸福的方向

 Tite Uncared.for Happiness/被忽略的快乐

 The Catalogue of Happiness/人生幸福的目录

 Happiness Is a Choice/幸福是一种选择

 Don't Keep Happiness away from Us/别让幸福远离我们

 The Secret of Happiness/幸福的秘密

 The Wooden Gate of Happiness/幸福的柴门

 The Law of Happy Life/幸福生活的定律

 The Ways of Happiness/幸福的方式

 The Door to Happiness/幸福之门

 Happiness Doesn't Need a List/幸福不需要列单子

 Happiness Lights Your Life/幸福点亮人生

第三卷 感悟生命

 Survive as Camels/像骆驼那样生存

 The Clock of Life/生命的时钟

 You Have Only One Life/你只有一次生命

 A Promise of Flowers/鲜花的承诺

 The Tree of Life Also Has Fallen Leaves/生命之树也有落I

  The Addition and Subtraction of Life/生命的加减法

 Life Is the Cookie/生命就是小甜饼

 The Best Nourishment of Life/生命中最好的养料

 The Worth of Life/生命的价值

 The Moral of Life/生命的寓意

第四卷 感悟自然

 Feathers in the Wind/风中的羽毛

 The River and the Rock/河与岩石

 When the Wind Blows/当风起时

 Talking with a Flower/与花儿私语

 A Maple/一棵枫树

 The Catch of Lifetime/一生的收获

 The Roses and Thorns/玫瑰与荆棘

 When the Moon Follows Me/月随人走

 A Big Tree and a Young Tree/大树和小树

 The October Sunrise/十月日出

 A Narrow Window/一扇小窗

 A Young Apple Tree/一棵小苹果树

 The Power of a Bee/一只蜜蜂的威力

 The Boy and the Walnuts/男孩与核桃

 First Snow/第一场雪

 The Revelation of Lilacs/紫丁香的启示

 The Apple Bitten by God/上帝咬过的苹果

 Brave the Storm/迎向风雨


 Beyond the Beautiful/美丽背后

 The Pointless Competition/无谓的竞争

第五卷 感悟生活

 Life Is Like a Piece of Cake/生活就像一块蛋糕

 The Only Attitude Is Gratitude/感激是唯一的态度

 Look downward and Look upward/向下看与向上看

 The Blind Boy/盲人指路

 The Secret behind a Painting/一幅画背后的秘密

 Please Help Tie It/请帮忙系上

 The Meaning of Life/人生的意义

 Don't Think Highly of Yourself/别太把自己当回事

 Human Beings Have Choices/人生可以选择

 The Boys and the Sticks/男孩与木棍

 The Mahogany Piano/一架桃花心木钢琴

 The Boy and the Nail/男孩和钉子

 The Next Step to Life/人生的第二步

 Good Medicine/灵丹妙药

 A Lesson for Living/人生的教训

 Eife Isn't a Dress Rehearsal/人生不是一次彩排

 The Sculpture of Life/人生的雕塑

 Don't Quit/不要停

 Enjoy What You Have/享受自己所有

 A Wonderful Present/神奇的礼物

 The Grace of Life/人生的恩惠

 The Tiger's Whisker of Life/人生的虎须

 Make the Life Full of Love/让生活充满爱

 One—dollar Tip/一美元小费

 Movement and Quietude/动与静

 Are You a Carrot,an Egg or Coffee Bean/你是胡萝卜、鸡蛋还是咖啡豆

 Please Bury Me Shallowly/请把我埋得浅一点

 God'S Boxes/上帝的盒子

 Life Is Like Water/人生如水

 What Is the Best in Life?/人生最美好的是什么?

 Mary'S Smile/玛丽的微笑

 Thank the Hand of Life/感谢人生的援手

 It Is As You Will/你来决定

 Love of a Lifetime/一生的爱

 Life is Like the Heart of a Torch/人生如火炬心

 What Will Matter in Life/人生重要的是什么

第六卷 感悟成功

 The Gold Watch in the Barn/谷仓里的金表

 The Goal of Life/人生的目标

 The Most Successful Lesson/最成功的一课


 Do One Thing Every Day/每天做好一件事

 Think Highly of Yourself/看重自己

 Get a Thorough Understanding of Yourself/彻悟自己

 Another Secret to Success/成功的另一个秘诀

 Load and You Won't Fall/负重,才不会跌倒

 I Can Make It Happen/我能做到

 The Most Severe Punishment/最严厉的惩罚

 Without the Excuse to Abandon the Efrorts/一生没有放弃努力的借口

 The Danger of Success/成功的危险

 Will Inspired Life/意志激励人生

 A Creed to Live by/人生的信条

 No Road Is Longer Than Your Feet/没有比脚更长的路

 The Perfect Life/完美人生

 The Secret of Becoming Rich/致富的秘诀

 Life Lies in Believing in Yourself/人生在于相信自己

 Life Lies in Choosing/人生在于选择

 The Teacher Changed His Life/老师改变了他的一生






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