Its refreshing to hear the British-born author read his latest book on how to become more happily productive at work. An authentic speaker with an inviting and natural voice, he sounds immensely comfortable with his writing, which is often poetic but never melodramatic. Dont worry about your weaknesses, he says. Put all your energy into clarifying your strengths, freeing them from restrictions, speaking up about them, and developing strong work habits. This potent lesson on developing ones strongest traits and making them relevant at work is delivered in the authors consistently caring voice.
Beginning with the million-copy bestellers First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham jump-started the strengths movement that is now sweeping the work world, from business to government to education.Now that the movement is in full swing, Buckingham's new book answers the ultimate question: How can you actually apply your strengths for maximum success at work?
Research data show that most people do not come close to making full use of their assets at work--in fact,only 17 percent of the workforce believe they use all of their strengths on the job. Go Put Your Strengths to Work aims to change that through a six-step, six-week experience that will reveal the hidden dimensions of your strengths. Buckingham shows you how to seize control of your assets and rewrite your job description under the nose of your boss. You will learn:
Why your strengths aren't "what you are good at" and your weaknesses aren't "what you are bad at."
How to use the four telltale signs to identify your strengths.
The simple steps you can take each week to push your time at work toward those activities that strengthen you and away from those that don't.
How to talk to your boss and your colleagues about your strengths without sounding like you're bragging and about your weaknesses without sounding like you're whining.
The fifteen-minute weekly ritual that will keep you on your strengths path your entire career.
With structured exercises that will become part of your regular workweek and proven tactics from people who have successfully applied the book's lessons, Go Put Your Strengths to Work will arm you with a radically different approach to your work life.As part of the book's
The First Stage: How to Label
The Second Stage: How To Take Action
You Are Here
And You're Closer Than You Think
The 6-Step Discipline
Trombone Player Wanted
"So, What's Stopping You?"
Meet Heidi
Myth 1: As You Grow, Your Personality Changes
Myth 2: You Will Grow the Most in Your Areas of Greatest Weakness
Myth 3: A Good Team Member Does Whatever It
Takes to Help the Team
"Do You Know What Your Strengths Are?"
The Four Signs of a Strength
Who Is the Best Judge of Your Strengths?
Capture, Clarify, and Confirm Your Strengths
Will Your Strengths Stay the Same Year after Year?
Heidi Gets Clear
"How Can You Make the Most of What Strengthens You?"
How Heidi Got Weak
How Heidi Got Strong
Your Strong Week Plan
Four Strategies to Put Your Strengths to Work
Your FREE Interview
"How Can You Cut Out What Weakens You?"
What Are Your Most Dominant Weaknesses?
Capture, Clarify, and Confirm Your Weaknesses
Quit "Should-ing"
Four Strategies to Stop Your Weaknesses
Heidi Stops Calling
Your STOP Interview
Step 5: SPEAK UP
"How Can You Create Strong Teams?"
"Your Strengths Weaken Me"
Conversation 1: The Strengths Chat
Conversation 2: "How I Can Help You"
Conversation 3: The Weakness Chat
Conversation 4: "How You Can Help Me"
Tips for Strengths-Based Managers
Team Georgia
Step 6: Build Strong Habits
"How Can You Make This Last Forever?"
The End of the Beginning
The Strongest Habits
"And What Happens if..."
1.".. I don't know if I should take this job."
2.".. I don't think I should have taken this job."
3.".. I'm new to the job."
4." . I'm overworked."
5. ".. my manager doesn't understand me."
6.".. my manager is an idiot."
7.".. i'm burned out."
8.".. in the grand scheme of things, my job's just not that important."
9. "... deep down, I don't think I'm as good as everyone says I am,"