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书名 | 碳纳米管--从基础到应用(影印版)(精)/国外物理名著系列 |
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作者 | (法)洛伊斯 |
出版社 | 科学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 对于国内的物理学工作者和青年学生来讲,研读国外优秀的物理学著作是系统掌握物理学知识的一个重要手段。为了满足国内读者对国外优秀物理学著作的需求,科学出版社引进了一批国外优秀著作。本书便是其中的一部。该书介绍了碳的多态现象和相的微结构、合成方法和生长机制、结构的电子显微分析、分光镜分析、电子结构、输运性质、纳米管及其合成材料的力学性能和表面特性等内容。 内容推荐 本书介绍了碳纳米管的基础,并包括了最新的研究进展和技术应用前景。在每章的开篇都是各个相关学科的导读(包括物理学、化学和材料学),其后是对相关专题的详细讨论。主要内容有:碳的多态现象和相的微结构,合成方法和生长机制,结构的电子显微分析,分光镜分析,电子结构,输运性质,纳米管及其合成材料的力学性能和表面特性。本书兼顾实验和计算,可供从事碳纳米管研究的科研人员和学生参考。 目录 1 Polymorphism and Structure of Carbons P. Delhaes, J.P. Issi, S. Bonnamy and P. Launois 1.1 Historical Introduction 1.2 Polymorphism of Crystalline Phases 1.3 Non-Crystalline Carbons 1.4 Transport Properties 1.5 Doped Carbons and Parent Materials 1.6 Conclusion References 2 Synthesis Methods and Growth Mechanisms A. Loiseau, X. Blase, J.-Ch. Charlier, P. GadeUe, C. Journet,Ch. Laurent and A. Peigney 2.1 Introduction 2.2 High-Temperature Methods for the Synthesis of Carbon and Boron Nitride MWNTs and SWNTs 2.3 Catalytic CVD Growth of Filamentous Carbon 2.4 Synthesis of MWNT and SWNT via Medium-Temperature Routes.. 2.5 Nucleation and Growth of C-SWNT 2.6 Growth Mechanisms for Carbon Nanotubes: Numerical Modelling .. 2.7 BxCyNz Composite Nanotubes References 3 Structural Analysis by Elastic Scattering Techniques Ph. Lambin, A. Loiseau, M. Monthioux and J. Thibault 3.1 Basic Theories 3.2 Analysis of Graphene-Based Structures with HREM 3.3 Analysis of Nanotube Structures with Diffraction and HREM 3.4 Analysis of the Nanotube Structure with STM References 4 Electronic Structure F. Ducastelle, X. Blase, J.-M. Bonard, J.-Ch. Charlier and P. Petit... 4.1 Electronic Structure: Generalities 4.2 Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 4.3 Non-Carbon Nanotubes 4.4 Monitoring the Electronic Structure of SWNTs by Intercalation and Charge Transfer 4.5 Field Emission References 5 Spectroscopies on Carbon Nanotubes J.-L. Sauvajol, E. Anglaret, S. Rols and O. Stephan 5.1 Vibrational Spectroscopies 5.2 Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy 5.3 Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes 5.4 Applications of EELS to Nanotubes References 6 Transport Properties S. Roche, E. Akkermans, O. Chauvet, F. Hekking, J.-P. Issi, R. Martel,G. Montambaux and Ph. Poncharal 6.1 Quantum Transport in Low-dimensional Materials 6.2 Quantum Transport in Disordered Conductors 6.3 An Interaction Effect: the Density-of-States Anomaly 6.4 Theory of Quantum Transport in Nanotubes 6.5 Measurement Techniques 6.6 The Case of Carbon Nanotube 6.7 Experimental Studies of Transport in Nanotubes and Electronic Devices 6.8 Transport in Nanotube Based Composites 6.9 Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotubes References 7 Mechanical Properties of Individual Nanotubes and Composites J.-P. Salvetat, G. Desarmot, C. Gauthier and P. Poulin 7.1 Mechanical Properties of Materials, Basic Notions 7.2 Mechanical Properties of a Single Nanotube 7.3 Reinforcing Composite Materials with Nanotubes References 8 Surface Properties, Porosity, Chemical and Electrochemical Applications F. Beguin, E. Flahaut, A. Linares-Solano and J. Pinson 8.1 Surface Area, Porosity and Reactivity of Porous Carbons 8.2 Surface Functionality, Chemical and Electrochemical Reactivity of Carbons 8.3 Filling of CNTs and In-Situ Chemistry 8.4 Electrochemical Energy Storage using Carbon Nanotubes References Index |
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