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书名 变质地质学(中国地质大学十一五规划教材)
分类 生活休闲-旅游地图-地图
作者 (英)梅森//桑隆康
出版社 中国地质大学出版社有限责任公司

Chapter 1 Definition of metamorphism, classification of metamorphic rocks

 1.1 Definition of metamorphism

 1.2 Classification and nomenclature of metamorphic rocks

 1.3 The minerals of metamorphic rocks

 1.4 English mineral names

 1.5 Description of thin sections of metamorphic rocks


Chapter 2 Conditions of metamorphism, P-T-t paths, the Phase Rule, composition-assemblage diagrams, metamorphic facies

 2.1 Limits of metamorphism

 2.2 P-T-t paths

 2.3 Equilibrium

 2.4 The Phase Rule

 2.5 Using the Phase Rule to fix P- T Conditions

 2.6 AFM diagrams

 2.7 Metamorphic facies


Chapter 3 Contact metamorphism 1 : the role of heat

 3.1 Introduction

 3.2 Contact aureole of the Markfield Diorite, Leicestershire, England

 3.3 Contact aureole of the Skiddaw Granite, Lake District, England

 3.4 Heat transfer at the contacts of intrusions

 3.5 Effect of intrusion size and shape on aureole size and shape

 3.6 Thermal conduction models of contact aureoles

 3.7 Thermal convection models of contact aureoles

 3.8 Facies series in contact metamorphism


Chapter 4 Contact metamorphism 2: the role of fluids

 4.1 Introduction

 4.2 Contact metamorphism of limestone

 4.3 Buffering of H2O and CO2 in calcareous skarns

 4.4 Very high temperature reactions between calcite and quartz

 4.5 Discussion


Chapter 5 Dynamic metamorphism

 5.1 Introduction and definition

 5.2 Strain

 5.3 Classification of dynamic metamorphic rocks

 5.4 The Lochseiten Mylonite, Switzerland

 5.5 Dynamic metamorphism in Dengfeng County, Henan Province

 5.6 Dynamic metamorphism in relation to depth

 5.7 Microstructures of metamorphic rocks


Chapter 6 Regional metamorphism 1: Barrow's Metamorphic Zones

 6.1 Introduction

 6.2 Barrow's Zones in pelitic rocks

 6.3 Changes in mineral assemblages with metamorphic grade

 6.4 The Sulitjelma District, Norway and Sweden

 6.5 Garnet growth and zoning at Sulitjelma

 6.6 Geothermal gradients and metamorphic field gradients


Chapter 7 Regional metamorphism 2: basic igneous rocks

 7.1 Sulitjelma greenstones and amphibolites

 7.2 The boundary between the greenschist and amphibolite facies

 7.3 ACF triangular diagrams to represent mineral assemblages of metabasites

 7.4 Plotting ACF triangular diagrams

 7.5 Metamorphic temperature gradients in sedimentary basins


Chapter 8 Regional metamorphism 3: ocean floor metamorphism

 8.1 Metamorphism at spreading ocean ridges

 8.2 The Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus

 8.3 Petrology of the Ophiolite

 8.4 Structure and geothermal gradients of oceanic ridges

 8.5 Hydrothermal activity near spreading ridges

 8.6 Conclusions


Chapter 9 Regional metamorphism 4: high temperature metamorphism

 9.1 Partial melting and migmatites

 9.2 Structural varieties of migmatite

 9.3 Field relations of migmatites

 9.4 The granulite facies

 9.5 Why are granulites so dry?

 9.6 The Adirondack Mountains, New York State, USA

 9.7 Ultra-high temperature metamorphism


Chapter 10 Regional metamorphism 5: HP and UHP metamorphism

 10.1 High pressure metamorphism

 10.2 The Franciscan metamorphic belt of California

 10.3 Eclogites and the eclogite facies

 10.4 Ultra high pressure metamorphism

 10.5 How did HP and UHP rocks get back to the surface?

10.6 UHP rocks, the range of conditions of metamorphism and implications for metamorphic facies


Chapter 11 Extra-terrestrial metamorphism

 11.1 Impact metamorphism

 11.2 Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA

 11.3 Shock metamorphism at the N6rdlinger Ries Crater, Germany

 11.4 Metamorphism in Moon rocks



《变质地质学》是随着20世纪60年代板块构造学兴起而迅速发展起来的地质学科,作为课程,它属于地质专业课程性质,具有显著的地质前沿和岩石学与构造学学科交叉特点。由英国著名岩石学家R.Mason教授和我校桑隆康教授合著的该课程双语教学教材《Metamorphic Geoloy》全面介绍了变质岩石学和变质地质学的基础理论、基础知识和基本技能。内容主要包括变质作用通论、接触变质、动力变质和区域变质及地外变质五大部分。与国内其他类似教材的内容相比,本课程具有明显的先进性,介绍了包括P-T-t轨迹、缓冲平衡、超高压变质、超高温变质、地外变质等前沿课题。其中,缓冲平衡、超高温变质、地外变质等课题国内教材很少涉及。此外,教材强调用AFM图对变泥质岩进行共生分析,对世界著名的Barrow变质带、Sulitjelma变质带、Skiddaw接触晕和塞浦路斯蛇绿岩带等经典的介绍比较详细、生动。与国外类似教材相比,该教材介绍了国外课程通常没有的我国周口店、北戴河、三峡、秦岭、嵩山、大别山变质作用方面的内容,具有明显的中国特色。该教材的出版是双语教材建设方面取得的突破性进展。







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