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![]() 林雪,从小在孤儿院长大.但她不甘命运,努力学习,成绩名列前茅. 最后,她被人收养.当她以为自己摆脱痛苦的命运时,才发现,自己,是别人利用的对象. 最终,为了不使别人达到目的,带着对这个世界的恨,她选择了自杀. 却因此穿越到了哈利.波特的魔法世界.以索菲娅.伊莉斯之名认识了伏地魔的过去——汤姆.里德尔。 命运,永远不会改变 但心灵呢? 需要说明的是,这个故事,一开始,就与善良无关。 ----------------------- woke from dreaming~ 初次听时便觉得它适合这个故事: Woke from dreaming but it took convincing I was shaking screaming I was still alive And you were picking strangers by the side of roadways Little little let the danger unfold You can do what you do if you think you take it You can do what you do if you are that way inclined …… 歌词在http://www.ailrc.com/html/316/SOCSCXP.htm上 http://www.mvpdj.com/home/music/track/84784/254630我上传了这首曲子