language ['læŋ.gwɪdʒ] noun countable or uncountable ESSENTIAL ■a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar, or the system of communication used by the people of a particular country or profession 语言•She does research into how children acquire language.她研究儿童是如何习得语言的。 •Do you speak any foreign languages?"你会说外语吗? •I'm hopeless at learning languages.我根本不是学语言的料。 •the English language英语 •legal/technical language法律专业用语/术语 •the language of business商业用语 •Java and Perl are both important computer programming languages (= systems of writing instructions for computers).Java 和 Perl 都是重要的电脑程式设计语言。 ['læŋ.gwɪdʒ] noun countable or uncountable speak / talk the same language ■to have similar ideas and similar ways of expressing them 有共同语言•We come from similar backgrounds, so we speak the same language.我们的出身相似,所以有共同语言。 |