The master storyteller Andrew Lang draws on his classical learning to recount the Homeric legend of the wars between the Greeks and the Trojans. Paris, the lovely Helen of Troy, Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, the Amazons and the Wooden Horse all figure in this magical introduction to one of the greatest legends ever told.
The master storyteller Andrew Lang draws on his classical learning to recount the Homeric legend of the wars between the Greeks and the Trojans. Paris, the lovely Helen of Troy, Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, the Amazons and the Wooden Horse all figure in this magical introduction to one of the greatest legends ever told.
Also included in this book are the adventures of Theseus and his dramatic battle with the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne, and the quest of Jason for the Golden Fleece with the help of the Princess Medea.
ONE The Boyhood and Parents of Ulysses
TWO How People Lived in the Time of Ulysses
THREE The Wooing of Helen of Troy
FOUR The Stealing of Helen
FIVE Trojan Victories
SIX Battle at the Ships
SEVEN The Slaying and Avenging of Patroclus
EIGHT The Cruelty of Achilles, and the of Hector
NINE How Ulysses Stole the Luck of Troy
TEN The Battles with the Amazons and Memnon -
the Death of Achilles
ELEVEN Ulysses Sails to Seek the Son of Achilles-
the Valour of Eurypylus
TWELVE The Slaying of Paris
THRTEEN How Ulysses Invented the Device
of the Horse of Tree
FOURTEEN The End of Troy and the Saving of Helen
ONE The Slaying of Agamemnon and the Sorrows
of Ulysses
TWO The Enchantress Circe, the Land
of the Dead and the Sirens
THREE The Whirlpool, the Sea Monster and the
Cattle of the Sun
FOUR How Telemachus went to Seek his Father
FIVE How Ulysses Escaped from the Island of Calypso
SIX How Ulysses was Wrecked, yet reached Phaeacia
SEVEN How Ulysses came to his own Country, and for
safety Disguised himself as an
old Beggar Man
EIGHT Ulysses comes Disguised as a beggar to
his own Palace
NINE The Slaying of the Wooers
TEN The End
ONE The Children of the Cloud
TWO The Search for the Fleece
THREE The Winning of the Fleece
ONE The Wedding of Aethra
TWO The Boyhood of Theseus
THREE Adventures of Theseus
FOVR Theseus finds his Father
FIVE Heralds come for Tribute
SIX Theseus in Crete
SEVEN The Slaying of the Minotaur
ONE The Prison of Danae
TWO The Vow of Perseus
THREE Perseus and Andromeda
FOUR How Perseus Avenged Danae