It's astonishing to think that it is now thirty years since The Thorn Birds first erupted into our lives. It was one of those publishing phenomena right from the start: a huge international bestseller that everyone was talking about and everyone had an opinion of it is still a favourite even today. And when the television series appeared in 1983, we all held our breath as Father Ralph and Meggie made love for the first time.
Sometimes when he didn't know he was being watched Meggie would look at him and try desperately to imprint his face upon her brain's core... And he would turn to find her watching him,a look in his eyes ofhauntedgrief, a doomed look. She understood the implicit message, or thought she did; he must go, back to the Church and his duties. Never again with the same spirit, perhaps,but more able to serve. For only those who have slipped and fallen know the vicissitudes of the way...