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书名 心灵鸡汤(激扬人生)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (美)坎费尔德
出版社 安徽科学技术出版社









        1. YES, I CAN!

Joey's Gold Medal

Playing for Keeps:Michael Jordan and the World He Made

The Home Stretch

Racing for Life

A Marathon of Dreams

Esmerelda's Song

New Year's Resolution

Stretch Marks

You Don't Have to Wear a Thong to Belong!

Soaring with Eagles

Guiding Me Home

It's Never Too Late

Learning to Love Golf

Letting Go

The Week I Got My Life Back

Relax, Breathe and Flow


"Rags" to Riches

The Little White Shoes

Mending the Body, Healing the Soul

My Favorite Injury

Angel to the Bone

Inner Windows

The Last Attack

Maureen's Fears

Input and Outcome

       3. ADVENTURES

Mountains to Climb

Exploring Limits

Living Life to the Fullest

A Fall from the Sky

Starting Over

Into the Unknown

Zen in the Art of Survival


Growing Old Disgracefully

Mirror, Mirror

Rite of Passage

Of Needs and Wants

Tears and Laughter

Diary of a Yoga Retreat

A Matter of Weight

Granny's Last Cartwheel

One Price


From Prison to Ph.D.

Dusting Off

Faster and Higher

Living His Dream

There's a Lot Going on up There

Phoenix Rising

A Matter of Perspective

The Canyons of My Heart


Jessica's Story

A Surprise Wedding

Life Lessons

What Did You Do for Someone Today?


If You Think You Can, You Can

Open Eyes and the Human Spirit


Little Angel in Heaven

On My Own

A Gift of Spirit

"Michigan, You Walk a Long Way"

A New Definition of Health

My First Miracle

The Fawn

Mountain Fever

The Miracle of Dr. Steiner

       8. LIFE CHANGES

Choosing Life

Message in a Body

A Cheerleader for Fitness

Lady Godiva and the Bee

It Happened One Autumn

Back from the Heights

Ready to Fly

Coming Back to Life

The Only Way to Begin Is to Begin

My Visions with Soup

       9. ON GRATITUDE

The Red Ribbon

Alex and His Magic

Pop Pop's Promise

Both Sides Now


Grateful Life, Joyous Passage

Say Yes! To Life!

The Spirit of Body and Soul


The biggest obstacle to weight loss hit like a Texastwister. With a job transfer, my family needed to move fromHouston to Denver. Almost as soon as I arrived, a fall froma ladder left me in a cast, with hopes of running a marathonpostponed until late that year.

Then one day I heard a radio announcement saying BobGreene would be in town for a fitness presentation. I brushedoff the dream, called a new acquaintance to tag along andbrought the pictures and update letters about my training. Imanaged to speak with Bob at the book signing. The picturesof my weight loss while training for the marathon werequite dramatic, and he said he'd take them back to Oprah'sproduction company. He added, however, that it would betheir decision, not his, if anything came of it. I hoped thathe'd agree to my request to run a marathon with him, but Ialso convinced my friend Terri to train for a spring marathonwith me, so even if Bob didn't commit, l'd go ahead with thegoal. Happily, Terri said yes to early moming runs, blisteredfeet and long hours of training.

The next day we began running,  and developed atremendous bond during eight months of training. However,the dream began to change: no longer just my dream, it wasnow our dream to achieve the goal together. We moanedthrough the pain, we laughed through the runs (mostly atourselves) and rejoiced in each small success.

I continued to send Bob a letter and a picture eachmonth about my request, since he had given me his address.

Months later, Terri and I stood at the starting line ofGrandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota. We'd long agodismissed hopes that Bob would run this marathon with us,but it no longer mattered. I stood on the verge of realizing atwenty-year-old dream, and Terri and I had each other. Weran the race side-by-side and finished the twenty-six mileswith tears in our eyes, hands clasped together above ourheads.

Completing the marathon masked the residual pain I feltthose first days after the run. Needing to go back to workfulltime, Terri stopped training with me. I had already begunthinking of the next race, so I turned to the support of mynew online friends, and we made plans to run a marathontogether and finally meet in person.

Four months later, I stood at the starting line of thePortland Marathon--this time, arm-in-arm with my newfriends. One of the women had requested Runner's Worlddo a story on our group and encouraged the Oprah show tosend a camera crew, along with Bob Greene.

It's not often that "back of the pack" marathoners havea camera in their faces throughout the race, but on this dayour group became television personalities.

After going out too fast with some of the youngerwomen, I started struggling around mile ten. But at mileseventeen my struggle ended. Not in a collapse, but in asurge of new energy. When many people are getting readyto hit the wall, I hit the afterburners, because as I trudged tothe top of St. John's bridge, Bob Greene appeared alongsideme and said he'd be running to the finish line with me. Tearswelled up in my eyes.

Over the course of the next nine miles, Bob and I talkedabout our dreams. He expressed his belief and experiencethat once we set our mind on a course, we attract eventsand people into our lives to transform our dream into reality.l'm a believer now!



















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