Well-managed companies pay close attention to the development of their human resources. They handle development as part of a larger system of performance management that includes performance ap-praisal, formal training, and rewards. But these formal programs are just the most obvious means of making the most of human assets. Less obvious but equally important are the day-to-day manager-employee (and executive-manager) interactions that fortify skills, expand knowl-edge, and inculcate desirable workplace values.This book focuses on two of those interactions: coaching and mentoring...
The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide com-prehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources,these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practi-cal resource for readers with all levels of experience, and will prove especially valuable for the new manager. To assure quality and accu-racy, each volume is closely reviewed by a specialized content adviser from a world-class business school.Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put re-liable answers at your fingertips.
What Coaching Is All About
Its Place in Management
Identifying Coaching Opportunities
A Four-Step Process
Summing Up
2 Preparing to Coach
Keep Your Eyes, Ears, and Mind Open
Begin with Observation
Create and Test Your Hypothesis
Listen Carefully
Estimate the Probability of Improvement
Ask the Employee to Prepare
Summing Up
5 Discussion
Where Minds Meet
DiscussYour Observations
Be an Active Listener
Listen for the Emotions Behind theWords
Move Discussion to Causes
Summing Up
4 Active Coaching and Follow-Up
Getting Down to Business
Obtain Agreement on Goals
Create an Action Plan
Begin Coaching
Give and Receive Feedback
Adopt an Appropriate Approach
Always Follow Up
Summing Up
5 Becoming a Better Coach
Beyond the Basics
Conserve Time and Energy
Create the Right Climate
Avoid These Common Mistakes
Understand the Challenge of Team Coaching
Practice Makes Perfect
Summing Up
Executive Coaching
When Bosses Need Help
Why Executive Coaching?
Two Approaches to Executive Coaching
What to Look for in an Executive Coach
Summing Up
7 Mentoring and Management
Developing Human Assets
MentoringVersus Coaching
The Benefits and Costs of Mentoring
Who Should Have a Mentor?
Summing Up
8 The Right Match
Advice for Matchmakers
What Constitutes a Good Match?
Bosses as Mentors: Pros and Cons
The Matchmakers
Recognizing a Good Match
One Company's Matchmaking Experiment
Summing Up
9 Being an Effective Mentor
And a Receptive Protege
Characteristics of Effective Mentors
How to MentorWell
For Proteges: How to Make the Most of Mentoring
Summing Up
10 Women and Minorities
Special Mentoring Challenges
Challenges for Female Employees
A Different Fast Track for Minority Americans
Summing Up
11 Beyond Traditional Mentoring
Peers and Networks
Mentoring Peer-to-Peer
Network Mentoring
Summing Up
Appendix A
Appendix B
For Further Reading
About the Subject Adviser
About the Writer