The Bronze Age is one of the most important periods in the prehistory of Europe. Beginning around the mid-3rd millennium Be, its Legacy can be found in spectacular monuments and artifacts across the continent, from Wessex in Britain to Knossos and Mycenae in Greece, and Troy in Asia Minoi; extending to Maikop in the Caucasus. It was an age that saw the spread of a new technology - metallurgy - which was to have profound effects on the development of civilization in Europe. The use of bronze for tools and weapons was accompanied by other great transformations, such as specialized craftsmanship, a rise in exchange and trade, and increasing social stratification and political organization. Another innovation was the first appearance of writing in Europe - the Bronze Age thus also witnessed the birth of European history.
Gods' and Heroes of the European Bronze Age is published to accompany a major exhibition that includes more than 250 of the finest objects from sites in twenty-three European countries. Divided into themes such as Adventurers, Artisans and Travellers; The Heroes and their Palaces; Life and Death; and The World of the Gods, leading European scholars discuss such wide-ranging topics as the wondertully preserved 'Iee Man' found in the Alps, shipwrecks, architecture, art, religion, writing, Stonehenge, and Homer and the Trojan War. Here are the greatest achievements of Bronze Age artists, not only in bronze, but also in gold, silver, glass and faience, and amber and ivory; in the form of armour, swords and daggers, beautiful painted ceramics, Cycladic figurines, jewelry and horse trappings. What emerges is both a powerful sense of unity - seen in symbols such as the bull, sun and bird - but also strong local characteristics.
Foreword by the Secretary Ceneral of the Council
of Europe
Directors' Preface
In t rod uction
Cods and I Ieroes of the Bronze Age.
Europe at the Time of Ulysses
Katie Demakopoulou, Christiane Eluere,
Jorgen Jensen, Albrechl Jockenhovel,
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Written Sources and Archaelogy:
I Iomer. Linear B Script and Archaeology
Katie Demakopoulou, Christiane Eluere,
Jorgen Jensen, Albrecht Jockenhorel.
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Adventurers. Artisans and Travellers
Editor: Jean-Pierre Mohen
Adventurers. Artisans and Travellers
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Otzi - The Man in the Ice
Walter Leitner .
Archaeometry and Research Methods
Jean- Pierre Mohen
Interaction between the Carpathian Region
and the Eastern Mediterranean during
the mid-2nd Millenuium BC
Faelar Furmanek
Two Skilled and Prestigious Inventions:
Metallurgy and the Goldsmith's Art
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Shipwrecks in the Eastern Mediterranean
Katie Demakopoulou
North-South Exchanges of Raw Materials
Anthony F.Harding
Hoards and Adamie Shipwrecks
Stuart Needham
The Journey as a Rite of hlitation
Maria Luisa Ruiz-Galrez Priego
Crises in Western European Melal Supply During
the Late Bronze Age: From Bronze to Iron
Lothar Sperber .
The tteroes and their Palaces
Editor: Albrecht Jockenhovel
The Image of Bronze Age Man
Albrecht Joekenhorel
Bronze Age Settlements and Territories on the
Iberian Peninsula: New Considerations
Susana Oliveira Jorge
Tell Settlement in the Danube Region
Tibor Kovacs