CREATED BY BOB KANE in the late 1930s, Batman is one of the world's greatest fictional heroes. "The Ace of Detectives", "The Caped Crusader", "The Dark Knight" - each generation has coined its own favourite nickname to describe this ultimate crime fighter as he wages a relentless war on a gallery of bizarre but deadly villains.
For this expanded and updated edition of Batman: The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Knight, Dorling Kindersley has been permitted unparalleled access to the archives of DC Comics. Spectacular artworks reveal key installations and equipment, such as the Batcave, the Batmobile, Batman's suit, and the weaponry contained in his Utility Belt. Crucial events and characters of the Batman legend are illustrated with drawings from the original DC comic books.
ORPHAN BRUCE WAYNE swore to strike fear into the hearts of the criminals ruling the streets of Gotham City - and the mysterious legend of the Batman was born. This celebration of one of the world's most popular fictional heroes is now expanded and updated. Contained herein are all the key events and characters in Batman's incredible crime-fighting career.
Created in full collaboration with DC Comics, creators and shapers of the Batman legend
Spectacular illustrations reveal the secret workings of the Batcave, the Batmobile, and Batman's weapons and gadgets
Packed with illustrations from the original DC comic books
Updated with features on the major post-millennial Batman storylines, Frank Miller's reinvention of the Batman legend, The Dark Knight, and extra information on Batman's Golden and Silver Age adventures.