General Editors' Preface
Author's Acknowledgements
About This Book
Section I: Translation studies: History,
basic concepts andkey issues in research
1 Translation studies and applied linguistics
1.1 Applied linguistics and the translation analyst
1.2 Action research: The theory-practice cycle
1.3 Translation studies: A house of many rooms
2 From linguistic systems to cultures in contact
2.1 Formal equivalence
2.2 Bridging cultural and linguistic differences
3 Equivalence: Pragmatic and textual criteria
3.1 Opening up to pragmatics
3.2 Textuality and equivalence
3.3 Translation and relevance
4 Cultural studies and translator invisibility
4.1 Translator invisibility
4.2 Deconstruction: The plurality of meaning
4.3 Gendered translation: Production not
5 From word to text and beyond
5.1 Translation as metatext
5.2 Translation: Shaping context and history
6 Literary and cultural constraints
6.1 Polysystem Theory and translation
6.2 The Manipulationists
6.3 Translation purpose
6.4 The circle closes: Linkages to other disciplines
Section I1: Research models
7 Register-oriented research models