Now the women who established the popular Simple Steps program show you how to soothe your soul and simplify your life in just ten weeks. Each week, learn a new simple step for addressing the key areas in your life: your weight, your health, your living space, and your spirit.
If you’re like most women, your mind and your life are a cluttered mess of worries, wishes, and chores that you can’t keep track of. You may crave a sense of order and control but have no idea how to attain it--and find yourself coping with a thousand daily details.
Now the women who established the popular Simple Steps program show you how to soothe your soul and simplify your life in just ten weeks. Each week, learn a new simple step for addressing the key areas in your life: your weight, your health, your living space, and your spirit.
With easy, empowering steps to help you take control, Simple Steps is the perfect tool for cultivating the life you’ve always wanted.
Beginnings: The Seeds Are Planted...
Getting Started: Buds to Blossoms
Week One: The Water Lily
Water. Walk. Drawers, Cabinets, and Closets. Money
Week Two: The Daisy
Food ]ournaling. Isometrics. Laundry. Daily Planning
Week Three: The Rose
Vitamins. Posture arid Breathing. Desktop . Cleansing Routine
Week Four: The Buttercup
Good Fats. Kitchen Dancing. Refrigerator and Pantry.
Dental Hygiene
Week Five: Lavender
Caffeine Cutback. Yoga. Mail Clutter. Daily Serenity Time
Week Six: The Tulip
Trading Carbs . Crunches . A Clean Car. Dressing Smart
Week Seven: The Morning Glory
Honoring Food. Stretching. Organizing Photos. Gratitude Journal
Week Eight: The Evening Primrose
No Night Eating. Strength Training. Your Bed. Sleep
Week Nine: The Pansy
Spice Up Your Life . Cross-training. Fix It. Passions
Week Ten: The Sunflower
Grocery Shopping. Add More Walking. Entr)avay .
Treasure Mapping
The Harvest: Reaping the Benefits