vital UK ['vaɪ.təl] US [-tˌəl] adjective IMPORTANT 重要的 IMPROVER ■necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important 必不可少的;极其重要的•A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.有一个强大的反对党对于健康的民主制度来说非常重要。 •She had found out some information of vital importance.她已经查出了一些极为重要的资讯。 •The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood.肾脏对于排除血液中的废物起着至关重要的作用。 •[+ that] It's absolutely vital that you do exactly as I say.完完全全按我说的去做,这至关重要。 •[+ to infinitive] It is vital to get medical supplies to the area as soon as possible.要尽快把药品送往该地区,这至关重要。 UK ['vaɪ.təl] US [-tˌəl] adjective LIVELY 生机勃勃的 formal approving ■energetic 生机勃勃的;充满生气的•He had never felt so vital and full of life.他从来没有像现在一样感到如此精神焕发,充满活力。 formal ■relating to life 生命的 |