endure UK [ɪn'djʊər] US [-'dʊr] verb EXPERIENCE 经历 ADVANCED transitive ■to suffer something difficult, unpleasant or painful 忍耐;忍受•We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.航班延误,我们不得不在机场苦等了九个小时。 •She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg.她已经承受了三次腿部手术的巨大痛苦。 UK [ɪn'djʊər] US [-'dʊr] verb CONTINUE 持续 intransitive formal ■to continue to exist for a long time 持续;持久•The political system established in 1400 endured until about 1650.建立于1400年的政治体系一直沿用到1650年前后。 |