adult ['æd.ʌlt] [ə'dʌlt] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength 成年人;成年动物•An adult under British law is someone over 18 years old.根据英国法律规定,成年人是指18岁以上人士。 •Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.成年人买票入内,儿童免费。 ['æd.ʌlt] [ə'dʌlt] adjective ADVANCED ■grown to full size and strength 发育成熟的;成年的•an adult male/elephant成年男子/大象 •She spent most of her adult life in prison.成年后,她大部分的岁月是在监狱中度过的。 ■typical of or suitable for adults 成熟的;成人的;适宜于成年人的•Let's try to be adult about this.在这件事上,我们不要耍小孩子脾气。 ■Adult films, magazines and books show naked people and sexual acts and are not for children. (电影、书刊等因有色情内容)仅限成人的,未成年人不宜的 |