‘The Roaches Have No King isn’t just amazingly funny, it’s the sickest, most imaginative and complex novel since Patrick Suskind’s Perfume an implausible, hilarious and beauti fully written tale’Vox
When Ira Fishblatt’s girlfriend, Ruth Grustein. moves into his apartment, he has the kitchen renovated to make her feel at home. She is tickled pink, but hundreds of other houseguests aren’t - the cockroaches who’d been living high on the hog before they were starved out. Famine slowly drives them into a frenzy until one. named Numbers. comes up with a diabolical plan: with the unwitting help of Rufus. the local cocaine dealer. they’ll encourage a nomance between Ira and the pretty neighbour, Elizabeth,and rid themseives forever of Ruth and her damnable tidiness.
The Terror
The Assassination of Rosa Luxemburg
White Night
A Lock Is Picked
A Watermeloon On The Ground Too Long
Julia Child"s Hoffest Recipe
American Legions
Elizabeth Gets Cold
The Table Is Set
Last Licks
On Tenterhooks
Bless the Rat and the Roach
Checking In
The Breach
Stripe for Stripe
The Kingdom of Heaven