1.The goldfish died金鱼死了
2.The proper behavior举止得体
4.The teacher"s pet老师的宠物
5.Clever trade聪明的交易
6.Mom,what’S sex?妈妈,什么是性别?
7.Greatest hitter in the world世界上最棒的击球手
8.I have to sing我要唱歌
9.Graveyard giggles墓地笑话
10.Making money挣钱
11.Hiking money闲逛挣钱
12.Would you like me to be your friend ?你愿意我做你朋友吗?
14.White hair白头发
15.What just happened here?刚才出了什么问题?
16.Math problems数学问题
17.What was the problem before?刚才出了什么问题?
18.There is a parrot Oil the plane飞机上的鹦鹉
22.Get out of school离开学校
23.WoHns and whisky虫子和威士忌
24.The student学生
25.The ten most wanted men十个要犯
26.Dead frog死青蛙
27.Running shoes跑鞋
28.The frog and the psychic hotline青蛙和灵媒热线
29.The anthill蚁丘
30.The great writer伟大的作家
31.It opens at noon中午开门
32.Looking for my ear找车
33.What’s next?下一个是什么?
34.Leam vour lesson吸取教训
35.About two hours大约两小时
36.Sky dive跳伞
37.Three criminals in the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠里的三个罪犯
38.Dad won’t like it爸爸会不高兴
39.The dumb hunter蠢猎人
40.Twins every time每次都是双胞胎
41.There are lawyers on the flight飞机上有律师
42.At the military base在军事基地
43.Flying without a parachute没有降落伞的飞行
44.Lost in the desert迷失沙漠
45.D0n,t be on this flight!不要上这架飞机!
46.Canadian winter加拿大的冬天
47.Safety study安全调查