Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates was published in 1865 and received more reviews than any other children's book that year. Today it continues to delight countless readers with its story of a virtuous family who inspires us all to have the courage to pursue our dreams.
MARY MAPES DODGE (1831--1905) was the acknowledged leader in the field of juvenile fiction during her lifetime.From 1873 until her death she edited and contributed to the children"s magazine St.Nicholas.
1 Hans and Gretel
2 Holland
3 The Silver Skates
4 Hans and Gretel Find a Friend
5 Shadows in the Home
6 Sunbeams
7 Hans Has His Way
8 Introducing Jacob Poot and His Cousin
9 The Festival of Saint Nicholas
10 What the Boys Saw and Did in Amsterdam
11 Big Manias and Little Oddities
12 On the Way to Haarlem
13 A Catastrophe
14 Hans
15 Homes
16 Haarlem--the Boys Hear Voices
17 The Man with Four Heads
18 Friends in Need
19 On the Canal
20 Jacob Poot Changes the Plan
21 Mynheer Kleef and His Bill of Fare
22 The Red Lion Becomes Dangerous
23 Before the Court
24 The Beleaguered Cities
25 Leyden
26 The Palace and the Wood
27 The Merchant Prince and the Sister-Princess
28 Through The Hague
29 A Day of Rest
30 Homeward Bound
31 Boys and Girls
32 The Crisis
33 Gretel and Hilda
34 The Awakening
35 Bones and Tongues
36 A New Alarm
37 The Father"s Return
38 The Thousand Guilders
39 Glimpses
40 Looking for Work
4l The Fairy Godmother
42 The Mysterious Watch
43 A Discovery
44 The Race
45 Joy in the Cottage
46 Mysterious Disappearance of Thomas Higgs
47 Broad Sunshine
48 Conclusion