The greatest managers in the world seem to have little in common.They differ in sex, age and race. They employ vastly different styles and focus on different goals. Yet despite their differences, great managers share one common trait: they do not hesitate to break virtually every rule held sacred by conventional wisdom.
They do not believe, that with enough training, a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to. They do not try to help people overcome their weaknesses. They consistently disregard the goldenrule. And, yes, they even play favourites. This amazing book explains why.
Introduction: Breaking All the Rules
Chapter 1: The Measuring Stick
A Disaster Off the Scilly Isles
“What do we know to be important but are unable to
The Measuring Stick
“How can you measure human capital?”
Putting the Twelve to the Test
“Does the measuring stick link to business outcomes?”
A Case in Point
“What do these discoveries mean for one particular
Mountain Climbing
“Why is there an order to the twelve questions?”
Chapter 2: The Wisdom of'Great Managers
Words from the Wise
“Whom did Gallup interview?”
What Great Managers Know
“What is the revolutionary insight shared by all great
What Great Managers Do
“What are the four basic roles of a great manager?”
What Do You Get Paid to Do?
“How do you know if the outcomes are right?”
The Four Keys
“How do great managers play these roles?”
Chapter 3: The First Key: Select for Talent
Talent: How Great Managers Define It
“Why does every role, per.formed at excellence, require
The Right Stuff
“Why is talent more important than experience,
brainpower, and willpower?”
The Decade of the Brain
“How much of a person can the manager change?”
Skills, Knowledge, and Talents
“What is the difference among the three?”
The World According to Talent
“Which myths can we now dispel?”
Talent: How Great Managers Find It
“Why are great managers so good at selecting for
A Word from the Coach
“John Wooden, on the importance of talent.”
Chapter 4: The Second Key: Define the
Right Outcomes
Managing by Remote Control
“Why is it so hard to manage people well?”
“hy do so many managers try to control their
Rules of Thumb
“When and how do great managers rely on steps?”
What Do You Get Paid to Do?
“How do you know if the outcomes are right?”
Chapter 5: The Third Key: Focus on Strengths
Let Them Become More of'Who They Already Are
“How do great managers release each person's
Tales of Transformation
“Why is it so tempting to try to fix people?”
Casting Is Everything
“How do great managers cultivate excellent performance
so consistently?”
Manage by Exception
“Why do great managers break the Golden Rule?”
Spend the Most Time with Your Best People
“Why do great managers play favorites?”
How to Manage Around a Weakness
“How do great managers turn a harmful weakness
into an irrelevant nontalent?”
Chapter 6: The Fourth Key: Find the Right Fit
The Blind, Breathless Climb
“What's wrong with the old career path?”
One Rung Doesn't Necessarily Lead to Another
“Why do we keep promoting people to their level of
Create Heroes in Every Role
“How to solve the shortage of respect.”
Three Stories and a New Career
“What is the force driving the New Career?”
What Do You Get Paid to Do?
“How do you know if the outcomes are right?”
Chapter 7: Turning the Keys:
A Practical Guide
The Art of Interviewing for Talent
“Which are the right questions to ask?”
Performance Management
“How do great managers turn the last three Keys
every day, with every employee?”
Keys of'Your Own
“Can an employee turn these Keys?”
Master Keys
“What can the company do to create a friendly climate
for great managers?”
Gathering Force
APPENDIX A: The Gallup Path to Business
“What is the path to sustained increase in
shareholder value?”
APPENDIX B: What the Great Managers Said
“What did great managers say to the three
questions quoted in chapter 2?”
APPENDIX C: A Selection ofTalents
“Which talents are found most frequently
across all roles?”
APPENDIX D: Finding the Twelve Questions
“How did Gallup find the twelve questions?”
APPENDIX E: The Meta-analysis
“What are the details of the meta-analysis?”