Writing---does it seem old-fashioned to you? Everything nowa days is electronic. Telephones connect you with friends, family, business acquaintances. Modems hook you up to other people's computers. Books are quickly translated into movies or videos you can watch. And, literally speaking, you already know how to write. You can sign an order form, make out a grocery list, send e-mail to a friend. Why should you need a book on writing skills for the 21st century?
In an age of computers, faxes, and the information superhighway, your ability to write counts more than ever before Never has communication been a greater part of every career choice nor has the written word had more power. Now you can harness that power with an invaluable reference that gives you all the information you need to achieve professional quality writing--whether you wantrto write a novel, get a top grade on a school paper, or gain respect and rewards in business.
Insider information on writing novels, short stories, and plays--and getting published
Scores of models for letters, memos reports, minutes, and commercial correspondence
Expert advice on style, organization, effective imagery, and persuasive techniques
An introduction to electronic and library research
Drafting, editing, and proofreading skills
A handy reference section for grammar, punctuation, spelling...and more
Introduction: Why Write?
I. Types of Writing
1. Fiction
2. Nonfiction
3. Business Writing
4. Personal Writing
II. Grammar and Usage
5. Parts of Speech
6. Parts of a Sentence
7. Developing Paragraphs
8. Aspects of Style
9. Special Problems in Grammar and Usage
III. Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
10. Rules of Punctuation
11. Rules of Capitalization
12. Word Parts and Word Meaning
13. Rules of Spelling
14. Abbreviations and Numbers
IV. The Writing Process
15. Preparing to Write
16. Drafting
17. Revising
18. Proofreading
V. Electronic Research and Computing
19. Library Research
20. Hardware
21. Software
22. Computer Prewriting and Writing
23. Revising and Proofreading
24. Desktop Publishing
VI. Feedback and Publication
25. Writers' Groups, Centers, Colonies, and Organizations
26. Publishing Markets
VII. Resources