内容推荐 《小学英语阅读拓展训练.六年级》由朱海峰主编 目录 阅读导航/1 TOPIC 1人物故事 1 A couple一对夫妇/3 2 A hard-working girl一个勤劳的女孩/4 3Lu Ban and the saw鲁班造锯/5 4 A man and beer男人和啤酒/6 5Ab0oxer一个拳击手/7 6The Father of Hybrid Rice杂交水稻之父/8 7 A young Olympic champion一位年轻的奥运冠军/9 8 The little pig carried the watermelon小猪搬西瓜/I0 写作园地:怎样介绍人物/11 TOPIC 2节日趣事 1 Chinese New Year春节/12 2 World Sleep Day世界睡眠日/13 3 Earth Day地球日/14 4 The Lantern Festival元宵节/15 5 The Dongzhi Festival冬至/16 6 The Water-Splashing Festival泼水节/17 …… |