内容推荐 本套教辅书遵循《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版 2020年修订)》的理念和要求,旨在拓宽教材主题,提供丰富的语篇和针对教材知识、技能与策略的练习,有效提高学生的阅读能力并巩固课内所学知识,提升学生的学科核心素养和自主学习能力。 《新课标高中英语拓展阅读》系列丛书特点: 融合新课标理念,有效巩固与拓展课堂学习的内容 遵循语言和习题难度循序渐进的原则,梯度科学合理 提供词汇、难句、文化及背景注释,培养学生自主阅读能力 重视语言承载的文化内涵,提升学生的文化意识 配以原汁原昧的音频,感受听读结台的阅读体验 目录 UNIT 1 Road to Success When Gertrude Grew Great The journey to Overcome My Fear of Public Speaking What Explains the Popularity of the Unique Chinese Girl? Read and Write My Way Out Success Leads to Happiness or Happiness Creates Success? Reading for Fun: Success Is Counted Sweetest UNIT 2 Art and Artists The Useful Uselessness of Art An Internationally Significant Treasure Hunt Leonardo da Vinci ort he Chinese? Don't Artists Deserve to Be Paid Fairly? Excerpt from Is He Living or Is He Dead? Reading for Fun: Vincent UNIT 3 Healthy Lifestyle …… |