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单词 | bet |
释义 | bet [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet) IMPROVER intransitive or transitive ■to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race, in the hope of winning more money 打赌;赌博 •He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.他常去赌马,而且都下重注。 •She bet £500 000 on •[+ two objects] [+ (that ADVANCED transitive informal ■If you say you bet (someone) that something is true or will happen, you mean you are certain that it is true or will happen 敢肯定 •[+ (that •I bet (that) [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet)(how much) do you want to bet? informal ■said in answer to something that someone has said, meaning that you are certain that they are wrong (表示确定对方错了)你敢打赌吗?你想赌多少? •"Surely she won't be late this time." "How much do you want to bet?"“她这次肯定不会迟到。”“那你敢跟我赌多少?” [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet)don't bet on it (also I wouldn't bet on it) informal ■used to tell someone that you think something is unlikely to be true or to happen 不大可能 •"Do you think they'll give me back the money they owe me?" "I wouldn't bet on it."“你认为他们会把欠我的钱还给我吗?”“我看不会的了。” [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet)I bet (also I'll bet) informal ■said to show that you understand why someone has a particular opinion or feels a particular way (表示理解)有同感,我相信 •"I'm so annoyed with her." "I'll bet."“她令我感到厌烦。”“我相信是。” •"I was so relieved I didn't have to clean up after the party." "I bet you were."“派对结束后,我不必留下来收拾打扫,这让我大大松了口气。”“我知道你会这样。” [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet)what do you bet? ■See what's the betting? at betting [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet) you bet informal ■used to emphasize a statement or to mean 'certainly' (表示强调)当然 •"Are you coming to the party?" "You bet!"“你会参加派对吗?”“当然了。” [bet] verb (betting, bet, bet)you can bet your life (also you can bet your bottom dollar) ■used to say that you are completely certain that something is true or will happen 肯定 •You can bet your bottom dollar that [bet] noun countable IMPROVER ■an amount of money which you risk on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race 赌注 •He placed/put ■informal ■a guess or opinion 猜想;想法 •[+ (that [bet] noun countable be a fair bet UK ■to be something which is likely to happen 很可能的事 •It's a fair bet (that) [bet] noun countable be a good bet ■to be something that would be useful, clever or enjoyable to do 明智的事 •Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a good bet.把你的积蓄存进高利率储蓄帐户是明智之举。 [bet] noun countable be a safe bet ■to be something that you are certain will happen 肯定会发生的事 •It's a safe bet (that) [bet] noun countable be your best bet ■to be the best decision or choice 明智的决定(或选择) •Your best bet would be to take a bus to the airport.你最好坐公车到机场。 [bet] noun countable do sth for a bet (US usually do sth on a bet) ■to do something dangerous or risky because someone says that they do not think you will 赌气做 •She jumped in the fountain for a bet.她赌气跳进了喷水池。 |
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