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内容推荐 本书是一部版权引进的英文版物理学科普著作,中文书名可译为《曼哈顿计划:核武器物理学简介》,本书作者为:B.卡梅隆·里德,密歇根州艾尔马学院的物理学教授。书中内容包括核武器依据的原理是什么,它们是如何被制造的,它们是如何工作的以及它们会有一些什么影响。 目录 Preface A note on units Acknowledgements Author biography 1 The background 1.1 The physics 1.2 The Manhattan Project References 2 Nuclear fission 2.1 Energy release in fission 2.2 Chain reaction timescale 2.3 Temperature equivalent of fission fragments 2.4 A first glimpse of the efficiency issue 2.5 Neutron pairing energy,the fission barrier,and plutonium 2.6 Decay mechanisms and the (α,n) problem 2.7 Spontaneous fission References 3 Criticality and efficiency 3.1 Bare criticality 3.2 Supercriticality and the radius-density effect 3.3 Tamped criticality 3.4 Efficiency References 4 Obtaining fissile material 4.1 U-235:the electromagnetic method 4.2 U-235:the gaseous diffusion method 4.3 Pu-239:the Hanford reactors References 5 Los Alamos,Little Boy,Fat Man,Trinity,Hiroshima and Nagasaki 5.1 Predetonation probability 5.2 Little Boy 5.3 Implosion and Fat Man 5.4 Yield probability 5.5 Trinity 5.6 Hiroshima and Nagasaki References 6 Effects of nuclear weapons 6.1 Brightness and thermal radiation 6.2 Shock wave 6.3 Neutron scattering 6.4 A brief tutorial on radioactivity and radiation exposure units 6.5 Prompt radioactivity from a nuclear weapon References 7 Legacy 7.1 Postwar proliferation,tests,and deployments 7.2 Nuclear arms treaties and the baggage of the Cold War 7.3 Final thoughts References 8 Bibliography Glossary of Symbols 编辑手记 |