内容推荐 本书由西南政法大学国际法学院老师和博士生及东盟国家的法律实务界的科研成果构成,本辑主要收录九篇关于部分东盟国家保险领域、投资领域、法治建设、反恐情报领域、环境领域、数字贸易领域等近期新研究文章,多层次、多角度地深入分析东盟十国对外经贸法律制度,以期实施更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放,依托我国大市场优势,推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,推进贸易创新发展,推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展,积极参与全球经济治理体系改革。 目录 Research on Legal Issues of Sino-Myanmar Cooperation under theLancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism Chit Aye Aye Kyi/l The Substantive Issues Combating Transnational Organized Crimes in the Lancang-Mekong Region and Suggestions Cho Nge Nge Thein /27 Bahasa Indonesia as Compulsory Language of International Commercial Contract in Indonesia Dwi Hananta /52 Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Significance on Future Regional Free Trade Agreement Haile Anadrgie /80 Protection of Foreign Investment under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Juvelin Rezara/99 Indonesia's Legal Response to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Enforcement Marcellino Gonzales /121 Myanmar-Singapore Comparative Study of the New Rule of Law Myat Hsu Win 141 Influences of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to Trade Rules in Lao PDR Sengphet Bounmixay /167 The Problems and Countermeasure of the Myanmar Investment Law after the Effective Implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Tin Myat Zin/182 Legal Issues of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism:Case Study on Human Trafficking in Myanmar WinWin Mar /204 The Impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Trade Rules on the Rule of Law in Myanmar and Its Response May Thiri Aung/228 Investment and Dispute Settlement Procedure of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Su Wah Htwe/249 Study on the Rule of Law in Myanmar Si Thu Swe Tun/277 |