内容推荐 本书从韩礼德的交际社会理论出发,探索科学课堂多模态的教与学,从崭新的角度重新审视关于教与学的一些老问题,为科学课堂教学提供了有力的研究范式,也为研究者提供了阐明自己的研究设计案例的不错工具,值得细细研读。 目录 List of Figures List of Tables Foreword by Christopher N. Candlin and Srikant Sarangi Acknowledgements Introduction 1Rhetorics of the science classroom: A multimodal approach 2 Multimodality 3 Analysing action in the science classroom 4 Shapes of knowledge 5 Rethinking learning in the multimodal environment: Learning to be scientific 6 Written genres and the transformation of multimodal communication: Students' signs as evidence of learning 7 Materiality as an expression of learning 8 Conclusion References Index |