gallop ['gæl.əp] verb intransitive or transitive ■(of a horse) to run fast so that all four feet come off the ground together in each act of forward movement, or (of a person) to ride a horse that is running in this way (马)飞跑,疾驰;(人)骑马奔驰•We galloped through the woods.我们骑马从林中飞驰而过。 Compare canter ; trot intransitive usually + adverb or preposition informal ■to move or act quickly 急速移动;快速行动•It is the height of folly and a tragic waste to gallop into war.仓促发动战争是极其愚蠢的行为,是一种可悲的浪费。 ['gæl.əp] verb Phrasal Verbs gallop through sth informal ■to perform, read or do something very quickly and without enough care 匆匆地做;草草地读;走马观花地看•They often gallop through 10 news items in 20 minutes.他们经常在20分钟内匆匆播完十条新闻。 ['gæl.əp] noun only singular RUN 跑 ■the fast run or speed of a horse when it is galloping, or an act of galloping (马)奔驰•At the sound of gunfire the horse suddenly broke into a gallop.枪声一响,那匹马突然飞奔起来。 ['gæl.əp] noun only singular SPEED 速度 ■a fast speed 高速度•We had to complete the work at a gallop (= very quickly).我们不得不快马加鞭将工作赶完。 |