内容推荐 是本社邀请故宫宣教部、御鉴文化创作的以故宫文物为主题的儿童绘本,主要针对3-8岁儿童。书中以故宫博物院馆藏的珍贵文物为切入点,从全新视角激活故宫宝贝,以富有童趣、拟人化的文物小故事,传递出中华文明的传统智慧。全套一共12册,共12个文物小故事,均以绘本形式呈现,不仅展现文物的特点,还以拟人化的形态,生动的故事情节,教给小朋友一个做人的道理。每个故事的后面又设置了“文物小档案”,集中介绍故宫馆藏的该类文物的相关知识,让孩子更准确地了解中国的传统工艺与审美情趣。 目录 You are best at being yourself. A beautiful heart meets beauty everywhere. Everyone is born for something. Wisdom lies in moderation and balance. Scenery is found not in a destination, but along the way. Love is a caring wind beneath my flapping wings. Hold my hand, be my friend. Stay cool, stay who you are. The best journey takes you home. Artwork is not magic, but a product of minds and hands. Teamwork makes things work. Conceit hurts, modesty benefits. |