内容推荐 《高职英语晨读教程(职业篇)》以新课标为依据,以职场英语和职业英语为特色内容载体,使学生通过短文朗读,扩大英语词汇量,提高英语综合应用能力,加强对中西职场和职业应用英语的了解与认识,并学会用英语进行职场跨文化交流,学贯中西。 本教材由商务英语、外贸英语、物流与会展、人工智能、艺术设计、法律英语、旅游英语、金融英语、秘书英语九个职业特色板块组成,每个部分由8篇、150~300词的短文构成,难度循序渐进,词汇难度控制在高等学校英语应用能力考试A级与大学英语四级考试常见词汇之间,旨在让学生通过短文朗读,巩固高职英语必备词汇与常见表达。 本教材为活页式教材,具备结构化、形式化、模块化、灵活性、重组性等诸多符合职业教学和自主学习的特征。同时,本教材利用二维码技术,将课文与配套音频一对一匹配,更增加核心词口语测评、消消乐小游戏功能,助力学生边晨读边纠音,有效提升英语朗读能力。 目录 第一章 商务英语 Chapter 1 Business English 1.Howto Sell Yourself in a Job Interview 2.HOw to Create an Effective Agenda 3.Three Tips to Give a Successful Oral Business Report 4.A Business Negotiation 5.The Future of E—commerce 6.Business Travel:Going Through Customs 7.A Win—win Cooperation 8.How to Introduce Your New Company to the Market 第二章 外贸英语 Chapter 2 Foreign Trade English 1.International Trade 2.The Definition of a Letter of Credit Facility 3.HOw the Letter of Credit Works 4.Closing a Deal 5.Claims and Complaints 6.Negotiation on a Rush Order 7.What Is an Offer? 8.What Is a Counferoffer? 第三章 物流与会展 Chapter 3 Logistics and Exhibition 1.Logistics 2.Warehousing 3.Purchasing 4.Packaging 5.Supply Chain Management 6.The Convention and Exhibition Industry 7.The Belt and Road Initiative 8.The World Free Trade Conference 第四章 人工智能 Chapter 4 Artificial Intelligence 1.Machine Learning 2.What IS ChatGPT 3.Big Data 4.Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things 5.Cloud Computing 6.How Will Artificial Intelligence Modernize the Travel Industry? 7.Two Dangers of Artificial Intelligence 8.What Jobs Are Unlikely to Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence? 第五章 艺术设计 Chapter 5 Art and Design 1.What Are Art and Design? 2.The Psychology of Color 3.Color Vibration and Web Design 4.What lS Gothic Architecture? 5.Charac{eristics of Traditional Chinese Architecture(1) 6.Characlerisfics of Traditional Chinese Architecture(2) 7.Chinese Painting 8.Chinese Art 第六章 法律英语 Chapter 6 Legal English 1.The Importance of Legal’English 2.An Introduction to Civil Code of China 3.An Introduction to COnstitutionaI Law 4.An Introduction to CriminaI Law 5.An Introduction to Chinese Administrative Law 6.An Introduction to Company Law 7.An Introduction to Procedural LaW 8 Language in the Cou rt 第七章 旅游英语 Chapter 7 Tourism English 1.Booking a Tour 2.Booking a Hotel 3.Booking a Flight 4.Welcome Speech 5.Check-in at the Hotel 6.Sightseeing 7.Farewell Speech 8.The Benefits of Tourism 第八章 金融英语 Chapter 8 Financial.English 1.Foreign Exchange Services 2.Financial Market(1) 3.Financial Market(2) 4.Insurance(1) 5.Insurance(2) 6.Investing in Stocks(1) 7.Investing in Stocks(2) 8.What Is Financial English 第九章 秘书英语 Chapter 9 Secretarial Engtish 1.What Is Secretarial English 2.How to Create an Efficient Filing System 3.Meeting Preparation 4.How to Take Meeting Minutes 5.The Role of a Secretary in and After a Meeting 6.How to Create an Excellent Short Presentation 7.Making an Apology 8.Business Etiquette for Secretaries |