内容推荐 本书全面落实立德树人根本任务,以《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021年版)》为指导,旨在帮助学习者通过职业场景下的演讲技巧学习,完成职业演讲典型任务,训练职业演讲技能,解决职场实际问题。书中充分融入中国语境中的案例,旨在提高学习者文化自信,既培养职业素养、又提升综合能力。 本书共八个单元。第一单元阐述演讲的重要性以及对于演讲的认识误区;第二单元讲解如何克服演讲中的紧张情绪;第三单元讲解如何组织演讲稿;第四单元阐述如何撰写演讲稿的开头和结尾;第五单元讲解如何筛选并撰写有力的观点论据;第六单元阐述如何有效说服观众;第七单元讲解如何讲述令人难忘的故事;第八单元阐述如何借助修辞手法等提高演讲水平。 目录 UNIT 1 Tailor Your Speech with Appropriate Speaking Skills 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Why learn public speaking 2.1 Misconceptions about public speaking 2.2 Public speaking and intercultural communicative competence 3.Instruct: Benefits of public speaking 3.1 Public speaking and critical thinking 3.2 Power of public speaking 3.3 Body language 4.Implement 5.Improve: Different styles of delivery UNIT 2 Overcome Stage Fright 1.Interest 2.Inspire: What are you afraid of 2.1 A survey on nervousness 2.2 What is nervousness 3.Instruct: How to overcome stage fright 3.1 Overcoming stage fright at different stages 3.2 Become a confident speaker 3.3 Appearance 4.Implement 5.Improve: Practicing relaxation UNIT 3 Organize Your Speech 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Culture diversity 2.1 What hinders smooth communication 2.2 Strategies to work effectively with people from different cultures 3.Instruct: Speech outline 3.1 Make your speech logical 3.2 Patterns of organization 3.3 Postures for a speech 4.Implement 5.Improve: Cultural iceberg UNIT 4 Begin and Conclude Your Speech 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Describing charts and graphs 2.1 Different charts and graphs 2.2 How to describe charts and graphs 3.Instruct: How to begin and conclude a speech 3.1 What is a good beginning 3.2 What is in the end 3.3 Silence is power 4.Implement 5.Improve: Choose your expressions UNIT 5 Support Your Ideas Based on Audience Analysis 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Audience analysis 3.Instruct: How to support ideas 3.1 How to develop your key ideas 3.2 Support an idea with evidence 3.3 Types of examples: brief, extended,and hypothetical 3.4 Eye contact 4.Implement 5.Improve: Sample speech analysis UNIT 6 Speak to Persuade 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Being an active listener 2.1 What is Is 2.2 How to become an active listener 3.Instruct: Modes of persuasion 3.1 Logical fallacies 3.2 Ethos, logos and pathos 3.3 Gestures 4.Implement 5.Improve: Examples of persuasion UNIT 7 Tell Your Story Better 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Why tell stories 2.1 Stories matter 2.2 Brand stories 3.Instruct: How to write and tell brand stories 3.1 Monroe's Motivated Sequence 3.2 The Rule of Mehrabian 4.Implement 5.Improve: Tell a story better UNIT 8 Use Rhetorical Techniques and Visual Aids 1.Interest 2.Inspire: Making a toast 2.1 When to make a toast 2.2 How to make a toast 3.Instruct: Rhetorical techniques and visual aids 3.1 Types of rhetorical techniques 3.2 Different occasions 3.3 Visual aids 4.Implement 5.Improve: New year messages |