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书名 | 随机算子--量子光谱和动力学上的无序效应(英文版)(精)/美国数学会经典影印系列 |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-数学 |
作者 | (美)迈克尔·艾珍曼//(德)西蒙娜·沃泽尔 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书介绍了关于量子光谱和动力学上无序效应的数学理论入门。涵盖的主题从自伴算子的谱和动力学的基本理论到这里通过分数矩量法提出的Anderson局域化,再到最近关于共振离域的结果。全书共有十七章,每章都集中于特定的数学主题或将理论与物理相关联的例证,例如量子Hall效应的影响。数学章节包括量子光谱和动力学的一般关系、遍历性及其含义、建立光谱和动力学局域化机制的方法、Green函数的应用和性质、它与本征函数关联子的关系、Herglotz-Pick函数的分数矩、树图算子的相图、共振离域、谱统计猜想及相关结果。此外,本书还包含作者在各自机构所开设课程的笔记,这些笔记被研究生和博士后研究人员广泛参考。 目录 Preface Chapter 1.Introduction 1.1.The random Schr?dinger operator 1.2.The Anderson localization-delocalization transition 1.3.Interference, path expansions, and the Green function 1.4.Eigenfunction correlator and fractional moment bounds 1.5.Persistence of extended states versus resonant delocalization 1.6.The book's organization and topics not covered Chapter 2.General Relations Between Spectra and Dynamics. 2.1.Infinite systems and their spectral decomposition 2.2.Characterization of spectra through recurrence rates 2.3.Recurrence probabilities and the resolvent 2.4.The RAGE theorem 2.5.A scattering perspective on the ac spectrum Notes Exercises Chapter 3.Ergodic Operators and Their Self-Averaging Properties 3.1.Terminology and basic examples 3.2.Deterministic spectra 3.3.Self-averaging of the empirical density of states 3.4.The limiting density of states for sequences of operators 3.5.Statistic mechanical significance of the DOS Notes Exercises Chapter 4.Density of States Bounds:Wegner Estimate and Lifshitz Tails 4.1.The Wegner estimate 4.2.DOS bounds for potentials of singular distributions 4.3.Dirichlet-Neumann bracketing 4.4.Lifshitz tails for random operators 4.5.Large deviation estimate 4.6.DOS bounds which imply localization Notes Exercises Chapter 5.The Relation of Green Functions to Eigenfunctions 5.1.The spectral fow under rank-one perturbations 5.2.The general spectral averaging principle 5.3.The Simon-Wolff criterion 5.4.Simplicity of the pure-point spectrum 5.5.Finite-rank perturbation theory 5.6.A zero-one boost for the Simon-Wolff criterion Notes Exercises Chapter 6.Anderson Localization Through Path Expansions 6.1.A random walk expansion 6.2.Feenberg's loop-erased expansion 6.3.A high-disorder localization bound 6.4.Factorization of Green functions Notes Exercises Chapter 7.Dynamical Localization and Fractional Moment Criteria 7.1.Criteria for dynamical and spectral localization 87.2.Finite-volume approximations 7.3.The relation to the Green function 7.4.The el-condition for localization Notes Exercises Chapter 8.Fractional Moments from an Analytical Perspective 8.1.Finiteness of fractional moments 8.2.The Herglotz-Pick perspective 8.3.Extension to the resolvent's off-diagonal elements 8.4.Decoupling inequalities Notes Exercises Chapter 9.Strategies for Mapping Exponential Decay 9.1.Three models with a common theme 9.2.Single-step condition: Subharmonicity and contraction arguments 9.3.Mapping the regime of exponential decay: The Hammersley stratagem 9.4.Decay rates in domains with boundary modes Notes Exercises Chapter 10.Localization at High Disorder and at Extreme Energies 10.1.Localization at high disorder 10.2.Localization at weak disorder and at extreme energies 10.3.The Combes-Thomas estimateux Notes Exercises Chapter 11.Constructive Criteria for Anderson Localization 11.1.Finite-volume localization criteriasolsC tnanoa 11.2.Localization in the bulk 11.3.Derivation of the finite-volume criteria 11.4.Additional implications Notes Exercises Chapter 12.Complete Localization in One Dimension 12.1.Weyl functions and recursion relations 12.2.Lyapunov exponent and Thouless relation 12.3.The Lyapunov exponent criterion for ac spectrum 12.4.Kotani theory 12.5.Implications for quantum wires 12.6.A moment-generating function 12.7.Complete dynamical localization Notes Exercises Chapter 13.Diffusion Hypothesis and the Green-Kubo-Streda Formula 13.1.The diffusion hypothesis 13.2.Heuristic linear response theory 13.3.The Green-Kubo-Streda formulas 13.4.Localization and decay of the two-point function Notes Exercises Chapter 14.Integer Quantum Hall Efect 14.1.Laughlin's charge pump 14.2.Charge transport as an index 14.3.A calculable expr |
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