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书名 | 中国大型商业银行股改史(英文版)(精)/学术中国 |
分类 | 经济金融-金融会计-金融 |
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出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《中国大型商业银行股改史》详实而生动地记载了中国大型商业银行凤凰涅槃、浴火重生的股改历程,系统性地总结了股改的历史经验,深刻回答了有关股份制改革的重要理论和实践问题,揭示了改革开放以来中国银行业对我国经济社会发展的历史贡献和我国大型商业银行股份制改革对世界银行业、金融业所贡献的中国智慧。 作者简介 姜建清,男,汉族,博士,研究员。历任中国工商银行上海市分行行长,中国工商银行副行长、行长、董事长,享誉海内外的著名银行家;兼任上海交通大学教授、博士生导师,中欧国际工商学院教授;现任中国-中东欧金融公司(中国-中东欧基金)董事长。执掌中国工商银行十六年间,成功完成股改上市、经营转型和国际化拓展,使中国工商银行跃居全球领先大银行,一级资本、盈利和总资产等多项指标全球排名数年蝉联第一。姜建清不仅有着丰富的银行经营管理经验,同时具有很高的理论研究素养。对银行业经营管理、金融改革发展及金融史等有着深入、独到的研究,先后出版的主要著作有《海外金融风潮评析》、《金融风潮沉思录》、《美国银行业的科技革命》、《金融高科技的发展及其深层影响研究》、《国际商业银行监管环境与体制》、《银行转型与收益结构研究》、《商业银行国际化:环境与体制》(上、下册)、《近代中国外商银行史》、《银行足迹:亲历金融改革的思考》(上、下册)等,主持编修并出版《近代中国银行业机构人名大辞典》、《中国工商银行史》,并发表专业学术论文上百篇。 目录 Chapter Ⅰ Starting Point-Carving out an Independent Financial System from the State Treasury Section Ⅰ Launch of Reform and Opening Up Ⅰ.Reflecting on the Path of Economic Development Ⅱ.Sounding the Clarion Call for Reform and Opening Up Ⅲ.Laying the Theoretical Foundation for Socialist Economic Structural Reform Ⅳ.Setting the Goals for Building a Socialist Market Economy at the 14th CPC National Congress Ⅴ.Economic Reform Called for Banking Reform Section Ⅱ Banks Emerged as Main Channels of Investment and Financing Ⅰ.Diminishing Fiscal Inputs Ⅱ.Issuing Government Bonds and Tapping Foreign Capital Ⅲ.Bank Financing Inevitably Overtaking Fiscal Appropriations Section Ⅲ Institutional Reform as Starting Point of Financial Reform Ⅰ.Reopening and Establishment of Specialized Banks Ⅱ.Birth of Joint-Stock Banks Section Ⅳ Bank Reform Invigorated the Economy Chapter Ⅱ Impetus for Reform-Financial Sector Remediation and Surfacing of Non-Performing Assets Section Ⅰ Macro-Finance and Governance Section Ⅱ The Non-Performing Loan Quandary Ⅰ.Crisis in Bank Asset Quality Ⅱ.Direct Causes of NPAs Ⅲ.Root Causes of NPAs Section Ⅲ Early Explorations at Reform Ⅰ.Bringing Corporate Approaches to Specialized Bank Operation Ⅱ.Separating Policy-Based Lending from Commercial Activities Ⅲ.Promulgating Banking Laws Ⅳ.Transforming the Operating and Management Philosophy of State-Owned Banks Chapter Ⅲ Responding to Crisis-The Asian Financial Crisis Ushered in a New Round of Financial Reform Section Ⅰ The Asian Financial Crisis Ⅰ.Financial Turmoil in Southeast Asia Under the Speculative Attacks of International Capital Ⅱ.Lessons Learned Section Ⅱ The First National Financial Work Conference Ⅰ.Drafting the Blueprint of Financial Reform Ⅱ.Significance of the First National Financial Work Conference …… Chapter Ⅳ Breakthroughs in Joint-Stock Reform-Finalization of the Path and Proposal of the Joint-Stock Reform Chapter Ⅴ Launch of Pilot Reform-Joint-Stock Reforms and IPOs of CCB, BOC, and BoCom Chapter Ⅵ Expansion and Conclusion-Joint-Stock Reforms and IPOs of ICBC and ABC Chapter Ⅶ Strengthening the Foundation-Development of Corporate Governance and Internal Risk Controls in Major Commercial Banks Chapter Ⅷ Post-Reform Rejuvenation-An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Joint-Stock Reform Epilogue Afterword |
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