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书名 | 作为投资的言语行为--套磁话语实践研究 |
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作者 | 肖琳 |
出版社 | 浙江工商大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书考察了中国学生写给国外导师争取留学机会的“套磁”电邮。这里的“套磁”言语行为来源于本土,然而用于国际情境,是用英语交流的。它并无“巧舌如簧地与陌生人拉近关系”的贬义,而是一种中性的,既本土又全球,既古老而又新颖的语言构建或创造。作者带着强烈的好奇心,带领读者去探索了这样一个有趣的现象。作者借鉴社会学家布迪厄的场域、资本和惯习理论以及社会语言学家诺顿的二语投资概念,来分析中国留学申请者的“套磁”话语,将其解读为全球文化资本的投资行为,并修订了达文和诺顿(2015)的投资模型。这就丰厚和深化了言语行为意义的揭示,既细致生动又视野开阔。研究指出了话语及文化“惯习”的可重塑性、动态性。以往对于布迪厄理论的理解、阐释和应用,多从社会结构主义的视角出发,强调结构关系和资本分配方式的再生产,突出其稳定的特性。 作者简介 肖琳,现为江西财经大学外国语学院讲师、硕士生导师,国际Cochrane协作网循证医学志愿译者,Cochrane汉化项目江西财经大学肖琳工作组组长。2016年毕业于北京大学外国语学院,取得文学博士学位,主要研究方向为社会语言学。2014年获国家留学基金委资助赴美国纽约州立大学访学。曾参与国家社科基金项目3项,主持省级课题2项、全国MTI研究生教育指导委员会教育研究项目l项,出版专著1部、译著1部。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Motive 1.2 Taoci in Beijing Dialect 1.3 Taoci in the International Higher Education Market 1.3.1 Taoci Email 1.3.2 The Global Higher Education Market 1.3.3 Chinese Students in the Global Higher Education Market 1.3.4 Taoci as a Means to Hunt Global Education Offer 1.4 Summary Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Relevant Work 2.1 Second Language Investment Theory 2.1.1 Bourdieu's Theory of Practice: Habitus, Field and Capital 2.1.2 Second Language Learning Investment 2.2 Speech Act Theory 2.2.1 Th Internalist Perspective: Intrinsic to Language Signs 2.2.2 The Externalist Perspective: Beyond Linguistic Signs 2.2.3 Performativity in Postmodern Sociology 2.3 L2 Learners' English Email Writing and Self-promotional Discourse 2.3.1 English Email from Student to Faculty 2.3.2 Self-promotional Genre in Application 2.4 Research Questions Based on the Present Work Chapter 3 Research Methodology 3.1 Data Collection 3.1.1 Participants 3.1.2 Data CoUected 3.2 Data Analysis 3.2.1 Discourse Analysis Method of Taoci Email 3.2.2 Analysis Method of Interview Transcripts and Supplementary Data 3.3 Privacy Protection Chapter 4 Investment Through Speech Acts: A Panorama 4.1 An Overview of Taoci as Macro Speech Act 4.2 Speech Act as Pulling Guanxi 4.2.1 Deference-oriented Strategy: Distancing 4.2.2 Solidarity-oriented Strategy: Bonding 4.2.3 Sectional Discussion: Investment with Social Capital 4.3 Speech Act as Promoting Self/2o 4.3.1 Me-oriented Strategy: Advertising Self 4.3.2 Us-oriented Strategy: Striking up Academic Bonding 4.3.3 Sectional Discussion: Investing with Academic Capital 4.4 Speech Act as Negotiating Entry 4.4.1 InquiringAvailabflity 4.4.2 Asking for Offer 4.4.3 Informing Application Status 4.4.4 Following up Application Status 4.4.5 Asking for "Illegitimate" Favor 4.4.6 Sectional Discussion: Investment for Imagined Identity 4.5 Discussion and Summary Chapter 5 Writing to Act: An Individual Investment Trajectory 5.1 Case Data 5.2 Speech Act Varying Across Application Stages 5.2.1 The Door-knocking Phase: Overriding Self-promotion and Less Guanxi-pulling 5.2.2 The Upsetting Situation: More and Intensifying Guanxi-pulling 5.2.3 Deadline Approaching: More Accurate Self-promotion 5.2.4 Summary of Speech Act Variation Across Situations 5.3 Writing into an Imagined Future 5.3.1 Imagined IdentitY of "World Viewer" and "Successful Returnee 5.3.2 Accumulating Capital for Global Offer Hunting 5.3.3 The Dynamic Investment in Yunyang's Taoci 5.4 Summary Chapter 6 The Dynamic Investment Model 6.1 General Discussion on Major Findings 6.2 The Dynamic Investment Model 6.2.1 Speech Act: Doing Investment with Words 6.2.2 Habitus: Perpetuating Yet Changing 6.2.3 Dynamism of Investment Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Implications 7.2 Limitations 7.3 Suggestions for Future Research Appendixes Appendix A English Translation of Participant Recruitment Email Appendix B English Translation of the Interview Design Appendix C Samples of Email Data in the Year of 2013, 2014 and 2015 References |
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