内容推荐 本书主要选取具有女性主义特征的长篇小说节选和诗歌作品,在编选理念上力求兼具代表性、可读性和趣味性,实现文学素养与人文精神的融合,旨在引导学生在阅读女性文学经典、学习文学知识、提高文学素养的同时,了解女性文学及女性主义在西方国家和中国的发展历程,认识女性追求自立、自强、平等的社会人格的必要性。经典阅读对比了中西方女性地位的历史发展与当代发展历程,融入思政元素,能使学生树立文化自信,培育学生传承、传播优秀文化传统的自觉。 本书共有15个单元,分为英国女性文学和美国女性文学两部分,分别选取英、美两国具有代表性的女性作家和作品进行介绍与选段阅读。每个单元包括作家简介、作品简介、作品选段、阅读理解问题、讨论题等5个部分。可供高等学校英语类专业的中高年级学生或对女性文学感兴趣的非英语专业具有英语四级及以上水平的学生使用,也可供具有相当英语水平的英语学习爱好者和相关研究人员使用。 目录 Introduction Part I British Women's Literature Unit 1 Jane Austen (1775–1817) 1.About Jane Austen 2.Introduction to Sense and Sensibility 3.Excerpts of Sense and Sensibility Unit 2 Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861) 1.About Elizabeth Barrett Browning / oz 2.Introduction to Sonnets from the Portuguese 3.Poems from Sonnets from the Portuguese Unit 3 Charlotte Bront? (1816–1855) 1.About Charlotte Bronte 2.Introduction to Villette 3.Excerpts of Villette Unit 4 Emily Bront? (1818–1848) 1.About Emily Bronte 2.Introduction to Wuthering Heights 3.Excerpts of Wuthering Heights Unit 5 George Eliot (1819–1880) 1.About George Eliot 2.Introduction to The Mill on the Floss 3.Excerpts of The Mill on the Floss / o6s Unit 6 Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830–1894) 1.About Christina Georgina Rossetti 2.Introduction to "Goblin Market" 3."Goblin Market" Unit 7 Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) 1.About Virginia Woolf 2.Introduction to A Room of One's Own 3.Excerpts of A Room of One's Own Unit 8 Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) 1.About Katherine Mansfield 2.Introduction to "Bliss" 3."Bliss" Part II American Women's Literature Unit 9 Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896) 1.About Harriet Beecher Stowe 2.Introduction to Uncle Tom's Cabin 3.Excerpt of Uncle Tom's Cabin Unit 10 Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) 1.About Emily Dickinson 2.Introduction to Dickinson's Poems 3.Dickinson's Selected Poems Unit 11 Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888) 1.About Louisa May Alcott 2.Introduction to Little Women 3.Excerpts of Little Women Unit 12 Kate Chopin (1851–1904) 1.About Kate Chopin 2.Introduction to The Awakening 3.Excerpts of The Awakening Unit 13 Edith Wharton (1862-1937) 1.About Edith Wharton 2.Introduction to The Age of Innocence 3.Excerpt of The Age of Innocence Unit 14 Willa Cather (1873-1947) 1.About Willa Cather 2.Introduction to My ántonia 3.Excerpts of My ántonia Unit 15 Margaret Mitchell (1900–1949) 1.About Margaret Mitchell 2.Introduction to Gone with the Wind 3.Excerpt of Gone with the Wind |